Saturday, 22 August 2015

Characters of a true church (Christian) :Ephesians (4:1-6)


You will be wondering why I choose the topic the character of a true Christian on a Pastor’s love Sunday like this. But I believe that a true Christian will know all that it takes to love. A true Christian will show unity amongst brethren and this can only come out of love. And you cannot say you want to celebrate pastor’s love Sunday if you do not know what it means to love. You’ll agree with me that “If we sowed unto you spiritual things, is it a great matter if we shall reap your carnal things?” 1Cor 9:11.

I believe you will show your love to the pastor today if you were truly blessed by his stay with us. Someone said to me like a baby that pastors do not need to be paid because they are working for God. Vs 14 of 1Cor 9 says “Even so did the Lord ordain that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel” The same thing is said in Gal 6:6-10; That God is not mocked. You’ll reap what you sow. It is not because the pastors seek or look for your gifts, it is because they want the fruits that increases for your account Philippians 4:17 reminds us of that.
And finally your last reminder is that “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and in teaching”1Tim 5:17

I know a man who was called in a village fund raising ceremony in Yaounde some years ago. He was called “The president of the Youth Association”! The man changed again and pronounced it in French; then asked the people to clap for the president as he was coming. This man adjusted his tie before getting up, searched for some heavy banks notes. He did not prepare to give that much but he had to change his mind just the way he was addressed. Then he moved majestically to the table and deposited his gift. This was announced and heavy claps rendered to him. This man was me!!!

I wanted to walk worthy of the calling with which I was called. The president cannot give chicken change for fund raising! In the same way Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus to walk worthy of the calling with which they were called. The Spirit says the same to us today!

a. We were called to be "fellow citizens with the saints and members
      of the household of God" - Ep 2:19
   b. We were called to be "a holy temple in the Lord", "a habitation of
      God in the Spirit" - Ep 2:21-22
   c. We were called to "make known the manifold wisdom of God" - Ep
What then is the character of a true church? I’m not talking of the building here. I am talking about you, about me. You are the holy temple in the Lord, the habitation of God in the Spirit. That is what the Bible says.

Some of us have different characters at home just as in the assembly.
I am asking about your character at work,
Your character in the assembly,
Your character when you are beside the pastor,
Your character when you are far away from the pastor,
Your character when you are at home, That is the church I am asking of. That church where the senior pastor is the man and the woman the administrative secretary!!!! Men, is your walk worthy of your calling? Woman is your walk worthy of your calling?

Let’s look at the characters:


      1. This word means:
         a. To have a humble opinion of one's self
         b. A deep sense of one's (moral) littleness
         c. Modesty, humility, lowliness of mind
      2. This virtue is necessary in order to properly value others around you - cf. Php 2:3-4
      3. Without this virtue, members in the body begin trying to be the "head" of the body, a role reserved only for Christ
The more highly you think of yourself the more quickly you will think you should be served. "Who do they think they are to keep me waiting like this!"
      1. This word can be translated as mildness, meekness
      2. It is not a quality of weakness, but of power under control
         a. Moses was a meek man (Num 12:3), but capable of great strength and boldness
         b. Jesus was "meek and lowly in heart" (Mt 11:29), but we see where He drove the money changers out of the temple
      3. Thus it is being gentle, even when there is the potential for being harsh, but gentleness is more conducive for maintaining unity

      1. The idea here is one of patience, forbearance, longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs
      2. When the body consists of members who are not perfect, and often sin against each other, maintaining unity is not possible unless they are willing to endure each other's imperfections. Long-suffering is “staying a little longer in the pain”. That is patience. That is long-suffering.

      1. Similar to longsuffering, "bearing" means to sustain, to bear, to endure
      2. What makes such "longsuffering" and "forbearance" possible is another virtue:  "love"
      3. As Paul wrote in his chapter on love:  "love suffers not provoked" - 1Co 13:4-5
      4. Love holds all these virtues together - cf. Col 3:12-14
Perfect people don't need to be endured or forgiven (Colossians 3:13). But we do. So Paul’s counsel here is not how perfect people can live together in unity, but how real, imperfect Mount Zion Baptists can maintain the unity of the Spirit, namely, by enduring each other in love.
   E. Peace maker...
      1. You should be the kind whom people in the quarter call a peacemaker
     2. If around you people call you a trouble maker, then you have missed the walk because Christ is our peace and the one who makes peace Eph 2:14-16
How can you keep on caring about a person who doesn't like you? Or a person who likes music you don't like? Or a person who opposes you and wants to frustrate your dreams? How do you maintain the unity of the Spirit with them instead of becoming hostile and cold? Paul's answer: be lowly in spirit so that you can patiently endure their differences and their sins.
Why should we maintain unity in the body of Christ? Does it matter?


   A. ONE BODY...
      1. This refers to the body of Christ, the church - Ep 1:22-23
      2. Of course, Paul speaks here of the church in the "universal" sense
         a. The "body" of saved believers throughout the world
         b. Of which Christ is the "head", and "savior of the body" -   Ep 5:23
      3. While there may be many "local" churches (congregations), there is only ONE "universal" church, with ONE "head" - Jesus Christ!

      1. This would be the Holy Spirit
      2. Who has already been described in this epistle...
         a. As "the Holy Spirit of promise" - Ep 1:13
         b. As "the guarantee of our inheritance" - Ep 1:14
         c. By Whom both Jew and Gentile have access to the Father -  Ep 2:18
         d. In Whom God habitates those who are being built a "holy temple" - Ep 2:21-22
         e. By Whom the "mystery of Christ" was revealed to the apostles and prophets - Ep 3:5
         f. Through Whom God strengthens with might the inner man -  Ep 3:16
         g. As the One whose "unity" is to be maintained in the bond of  peace - Ep 4:3

      1. For Paul, this pertains primarily to "the resurrection of the dead" - Ac 23:6; 24:15; Ro 8:23-24; cf. 1Co 15:19-23; Php
      2. Which necessarily includes such concepts of "salvation" (1 Th 5:8) and "eternal life" (Tit 1:2; 3:7)

   D. ONE LORD...
      1. This refers to Jesus, of course - 1Co 8:5-6
      2. Whom God has made "both Lord and Christ" - Ac 2:36

   E. ONE FAITH...
      1. This the body of truth, "the faith", which Jude says was "once  for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3
      2. It is that "pattern of sound words" that Paul taught Timothy  (2Ti 1:13), and which he was to commit to faithful men (2
         Tit 2:2)
      3. We find this "pattern of sound words" in the pages of the New  Testament, which contains that which all Christians must believe

      1. This is the baptism...
         a. Commanded by Jesus - Mt 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16
         b. Preached and commanded by His apostles - Ac 2:38; 10:48
         c. By which those who submit to are added to the Lord's body, the church - Ac 2:42,47
      2. I.e., the baptism in which a penitent believer is immersed in water for the remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit  - Ac 2:38; 10:47-48

      1. The Father, Who together with the Son and Holy Spirit, makes up  the "Godhead"
      2. Note that Paul emphasizes both:
         a. His personality ("Father of all")
         b. His transcendence and omnipresence ("who is above all, and  through all, and in you all")

[These constitute "the unity of the Spirit" that as Christians we must be so diligent to keep "in the bond of peace".  Not one of these is "non-essential"!  E.g., just as crucial as maintaining who the "One Lord" is, so we must be steadfast in holding to the "One Baptism"!


1. As Christians, we are called to unity in the body of Christ…
   a. Displaying all the attitudes we have seen today
   b. Without which we are not walking worthy of the calling
   c. Christians are called to peace and be peace makers. Not the ones who will say “heh! I will tell her that she has touched the tail of a lion”  ...else Christ's work on the cross will be in vain! - cf. Ep 2:16

2. Here on earth we want to be worthy of what people call us to be. What more of God’s calling? If you want to be president as they call you. Do you know how much it is to be called a child of God? "Be worthy of the calling with which you were called" - Ep 4:1
   a. We were called to be "fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God" - Ep 2:19
   b. We were called to be "a holy temple in the Lord", "a habitation of  God in the Spirit" - Ep 2:21-22
   c. We were called to "make known the manifold wisdom of God" - Ep 3:10

Are you doing all you can as a member of the body of Christ to "walk together in unity", and by so doing walk in manner worthy of our calling? Some people have not yet reached the point where they can be called the children of God. They do not yet have a call and so are worthless. If Christ has not yet done anything in your life by the grace and power of the cross, then you are worthless despite all what men may call here on earth.

But there is goodnews for you today because the same Christ is the Lord who is sited at the right hand of God the father interceding for us. He just want you to take a commitment with Him. He can forgive your sins only if you will repent and accept Him as your Lord. Before we pray, I want you to think of your life at work, with friends, at home, in the market, in the farm. Are you walking worthy of your calling?