Sunday, 5 February 2017

Do not lose your faith in God’s promises

Bible Reading: Jan 10: Gen 25-26; Matt 8:1-17

God continuous with His promises to make Abraham father of many nations even through Keturah. Being well over one hundred years God surely helped him for his physically old body to implant his seed in Keturah’s womb as He did for him and Sarah. Abraham had six sons with Keturah. Isaac and Ishmael both joined in the burial of their father beside their mother in the cave of Machpelah. Surely in Abraham’s life he brought Ishmael and Isaac togetrher else, I don’t know how they’ll join in his burial. Notice that the children Abraham had with Keturah were disposed to his estate; each settled in a land as we see from the names. He set his house in order while he was living in prudence and justice, and that is wisdom. Abraham lived 175 years; but whether we live long or short, it matters but little, provided we leave behind us a testimony to the faithfulness and goodness of the Lord, and a good example to our families.
The genealogy of Ishmael were recorded for two reasons. Firstly God wanted the Israelites to know that He had fulfilled His promise to Hagar (Gen 16:12;21:18). Secondly, God wanted this to remind Israel that the nations that came from Ishmael were the descendants of Isaac’s half-brother. Notice that at the time of deliverance from Egypt, Palestine was encircled by nations from the preferential treatment Israel received from God, jealousy arose between Israel and the surrounding seed of Abraham through Hagar and Keturah. The jealousy which caused strife even to this day.
Rebekah was barren for 20 years as she married Isaac at 40 years and only gave birth when Isaac was 60 years old. God answered Isaac’s prayer for his wife’s barrenness (Gen 25:21.) The struggle in Rebekah’s womb was like reflecting what will happen to the two nations that will came from the two children. Gentle Isaac loved the strong son Esau while strong Rebekah loved the less aggressive son, Jacob. God’s preference for the chosen people of Israel was Jacob (Ro 9:10-13). Notice that Isaac spent his days in quietness though he was not much tried. Even Jacob and Esau were prayed for, the fulfilment of God’s promise is always sure, yet it is often slow. The faith of believers is tried, their patience exercised, and mercies long waited for are more welcomed when they come. Isaac and Jacob knew the promise was to come through them but they were patient and in prayer waiting for the Lord. 20 years after their marriage, God answered them. Why are you the way you are?
Esau lost his birthright for a dish of porridge. He considered his birthright less than the porridge, so he traded a nation with God’s blessing for a bowl of Soup. He was therefore disqualified from being the father of a nation through whom God would bring the Messiah into the world. What kind of hunger was this? I believe the two children knew about God’s promise to Abraham hence their father Isaac. Jacob valued this above all things, while unbelieving Esau despised it. What kind of appetite will cause you to lose such a blessing from God? Gratifying the sensual appetite ruins thousands of precious souls. When men’s hearts walk after their own eyes (Job 31:7), and when they serve their own bellies, they are sure to be punished.
Can anyone assume that Esau was dying of hunger in Isaac’s house? This was just profaneness (Heb 12:16). It is the greatest folly to part with our interest in God, and Christ, and heaven, for the riches, honors, and pleasures of this world. That is a bad bargain just as the one who sold his birth-right for a dish of porridge. After eating he went his way despising his birth-right. He had no regret of his poor bargain, no repentance, and that is what ruins many people today.
In chapter 26 God rehearsed His promised to Abraham to reassure Isaac during this famine that sent him to Gerar close to the pagan king Abimelech. God made him know that the promise was on the condition of Abaraham’s obedience so that Isaac will do same. Notice that this Abimelech is not the same that lived in Abraham’s day.
Isaac as his father deceived Abimelech again that Rebekah is his sister. Rebekah was his cousin and so could be considered his sister by the culture from where Rebekah came but Isaac knew Abimelech will not understand that and so their intention was to hide the fact that she was his wife because of fear. There is nothing in his denial of his wife to be imitated or even excused, because his father passed through the same temptations twice, so Isaac would have learned from the errors of his father. The new Abimelech acted rightly. The sins of professors (Christians) shame them before those that are not themselves religious.
God blessed Isaac so much that he became stronger in wealth and manpower than Abimelech. He was envied and they made him go out of the country. Wisdom from above make us know that we can give up our rights to avoid contentions. When we are wrongfully driven from one place, God will make room for us in another. Isaac continued to dig wells (Gen 26:17-25), but the philistines filled them in order to move him out of the territory. Instead of struggling he simply moved on. Isaac finally moved to Beersheba (Gen 21:30,31) where his father dug a well and God encouraged Isaac to stay and fear no more. When a man’s ways please the Lord, He will make even his enemies to be at peace with him (Prov 16:7). Abimelech took the initiative to establish a covenant with Isaac, knowing that he was much stronger than he (Gen 26:26-33). Isaac did not insist on the unkindness they had done him, but freely entered into friendship with them.
Esau went into a polygamous marriage to two Canaanites; strangers to the blessing of Abraham and subject to the curse of Noah. He rejected the moral standard of his fathers and followed the pagan nations. It grieved his parents because he married without their advice and consent; and to a people who had no religion. Marriage to an unbeliever is the signal that the believer is losing his or her faith. We can only lose our faith when we seize to seek the knowledge of God as Christ teaches in the Bible.
Matthew chapter 8 starts by indicating how the great crowd followed Jesus because they wanted to know him more. At this time of his ministry he wanted to teach the people; he was not looking for people to come only for healing reason why he told the leper not to tell anyone but show himself to the priest so that he can be declared clean and accepted among the people. I can imagine how the lepers who were discharged yesterday (World leprosy day) at the Mbingo Baptist Hospital felt going home to their people after being treated and healed.
Notice that the leper worshiped Jesus as one clothed with Divine power “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean”. Jesus does not only have power over bodily diseases, no guilt is greater than his blood that atones for it, no corruption is stronger than his grace which can subdue it. To be clean we must seek for his pity, not as a debt but as a favor. Those who have faith ask Christ for mercy and grace. Afflictions that cause us to know Christ and seek help and salvation from him are blessed.
The centurion who was a Roman military officer with 100 men came to Jesus. It is probable that the healing of the centurion’s servant in Luke 7:1-10 was different from the one recorded here. The centurion believed in the power of Jesus to reach beyond His presence. He also knew that a Jew would be considered ceremonially unclean for entering a Gentile house. He was a soldier yet he was a godly man. Your calling or place is no excuse for unbelief and sin. We can see how the soldier presents his servant’s case. We should be concerned for the souls of our children and servants, who are spiritually sick, who feel not spiritual evils or good; and we should bring them to Christ by faith and prayers. The soldier showed:
-       self-abasement: Humble souls become more humble by Christ’s gracious dealings with them.
-       Great faith: the centurion had faith that Jesus had Divine power over nature and all creatures as a master over his servants. We have to be servants like that to God; ready to go and come according to the directions of God’s word.
The servant got his cure and the master got the approval of his faith. Believe, and you shall receive; only believe. The healing of our souls is the effect and evidence of our interest in the blood of Christ.
Peter had a wife and yet was an apostle reason why Jesus healed his mother-in-law (Matt 8:14-15). So no one can deny the fact that Apostle Peter was married; and his wife’s mother was in his family. When people recover from fever they are still weak for some time but when Jesus healed this woman she went on doing her house work, which shows that it was a true miracle. Many are the diseases and calamities to which we are liable in the body; but the gospel says Jesus Christ bore our sicknesses and carried our sorrows (Is 53:4; 1Pet 2:24). He took away both physical infirmities and spiritual infirmities. Will you trust in him? I do.

Prayer: Great God, creator of the universe. Lord I worship you and trust in your word. Just like the singer, Lord I know you will provide at some time. It may not be my time Lord; and yet in your own time you will provide. Help me not to grow weary Lord. I trust in your time and the things you have planned for us Lord. I thank you for this opportunity you have given me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen