Saturday, 12 May 2018

Testimony of the true light

 John 1:6-9
The apostle John introduces another man, sent from God to bear witness. This is John the Baptist. This John was sent by God for a special purpose (Malachi 3:1). To bear witness of the light. He was not the light but just a witness so that all through him might believe. He had the same goal like the apostle John, so that all may believe the true light.
   1)      A faithful witness or messenger
A true messenger’s work is to pass on the message. As all prophets, John the Baptist did not call attention to himself. He came to announce the coming of one after him (John 3:25-36, 5:33-35). His aim was for people to believe in Jesus Christ not him.
   2)      What was he bearing witness to?
That Jesus is the light that proceeded from God. Jesus is the only true light because that’s the only one who was sent directly from God. So Jesus cannot be compared with Moses or Elijah and John himself. Jesus was not one in a succession of prophets or sons of God whom God has sent into the world. He is the only Son of God who came from God to reveal to man the one true God.
   3)      John the Baptist confessed that Jesus is the Christ
In John 1:20 he says “I am not the Christ”. When the Jews asked him “Who are you?”. The name Jew at the time when John wrote this gospel referred to the disobedient Jews of the Israelite nation.
Surely, the Sanhedrin had sent these guys to inquire of John in the wilderness as multitudes were following him to hear what he was preaching in the wilderness. The man who wore camel’s hair clothing and ate locusts (Matthew 3:1-12, Luke 3:1-20)
Many preachers today with pride would love to be called Bishop, apostle, papa, etc and some go as far as giving their pictures for the people to hang around. They call the attention to them rather than pointing to the cross of Jesus that saves.
John the Baptist said I am not the Christ! I am not Elijah and I am not the prophet.
a.       From Malachi 4:5 Israel was looking for the one who will come in the spirit and power of Elijah. Some thought Elijah would be resurrected literally to be the forefunner of the Messiah. So John the Baptist gave them a literal answer to the literal question. But the truth is that John the Baptist was the fulfilment of Malachi 4:5; which meant that John came with the zeal of Elijah and the power of a prophet among the people (Mtt 11:14, 17:10-13, Lk 1:17). John the Baptist refused to call the attention to him but Christ, and so he was not deviated from his goal. He did not go ahead to explain the details to them so that they see him and the forerunner or a prophet. He pointed to Christ! Many people were looking for a messiah who would restore the physical kingdom and so the misunderstanding of the prophecy will also hinder them from seeing the true light, the messiah.
b.      John said he was not the prophet. This is in reference to Deuteronomy 18:15-18. Israel was looking for the prophet whom Moses said would come after him. After Moses, there were many prophets but the one that was like unto him was Jesus. That is why in John 6:14, the people said this is the prophet who is to came when they saw Jesus’ miracles (John 7:40, Act 3:19-23, 7:37)
So Moses was prophesying of a specific prophet, not a succession of prophets who would come after him. Jesus is the fulfilment of that prophecy. You now understand why John the Baptist said I am not the prophet; but he was a prophet.


We are called to proclaim how Jesus called us into his marvelous light. How we obtained His mercy.
·         The prophets faithfully bore witness of the light
·         The followers of Christ (apostles and early disciples)
What about us today?
Do we bear witness of the light by our unity with one another?
Do we bear witness of the light through transformed lives?
Do we bear witness of the light through proclaiming the word?
The purpose of bearing witness is for others to believe in Jesus Christ. Do we help or hinder those around us from believing?
Do not quench God’s effort to bring many into the marvelous light.
2Cor 4:6 “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”.
Eph 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.”


Jesus, The life and light of men

 John 1:4-5
 Introduction:  Lioyd Jones asked these questions “Why did the son of God, the word ever come to this world? Why was it that he must die to save us? Why did God not use the prophets to save us by the law given through Moses?
Because there’s something wrong in us.
·         We are not only wrong in understanding Jesus, we’re wrong in our way of trying to know him.
·         We’ve failed to understand that it’s Jesus who gives life to all even the created things in heaven
·         He is the light of men. So he’s the one to give spiritual understanding of God to man.
A Jesus is life
 He is the creator and sustainer of life
   a)      All things Were made by him  Col 1:16
   b)      All things hold together by him col 1:17
Without him, nothing was made
In him was life itself. Therefore he gives us hope for our own resurrection John 5:21, 11:25
John wants us to understand that all physical life originated from the word and so we must understand from his teachings in the whole book that all spiritual life also originate from the word.
It is the spiritual life which originate from the word that brings light to that which was created (John 3:19-21; 8:12, 12:35)
B Jesus is Light
·         We live in a world of darkness
·         People spend their lives in ignorance
·         Separated from God because of ignorance Eph 4:17-19
·         Jesus offers the light of life to us (John 8:12) So he calls us to be sons of light. John 12:35-36
The world made in the beginning was good and God saw that is was good. It was light, but the present world is full of darkness. Sin has come into the world. That’s why the light brought by the son of God could not be understood.
When you are in Christ, you have come out of darkness into light. We have come out of ignorance into light. Ignorance of God, even though God has revealed himself in creation, man has still entered into rebellion. We want to explain it by change, by evolution while keeping God away from the scene. We do not have any excuse.
Until man understands that the world is God’s world and that God made it to respect certain rules, we’ll continue in the darkness, with wars, natural disasters, climate change etc.
Man is too proud that he even things he is an animal that has evolved for years.
Man must understand that he was created by God with a soul which will return to the creator someday.
The world thinks our intelligence can make us God. Man is living in darkness and darkness is inside man (Gen 6:5, Ro 1:18-21).

1-      Many people resist the life and light Jesus offers
a.       Darkness has not understood the light. Even when some of us get into darkness, instead of shining the light, we become dark. Jesus calls us to be light to the world
b.      Some try to avoid Jesus. They don’t want to change their lifestyle (John 3:19-20)
What is the darkness in your life that does not understand the light? If you think that what we need is just a teacher, then you do not need Jesus. If you think what you need is a doctrine then you have failed. You do not understand what the light has come to do in the mist of sin.
2-      For those who want to come to Jesus
a.       He offers hope and guidance in this life Micah 5:4-5a
b.      He is capable of keeping his promises Matthew 11:28-30
There is no other source of light that will direct man to the source of life than that which originates from the word, Jesus. He says “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father but through me”(Jn 14:6).  “I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). 

Come to the light!


Jesus is God

 John 1:1-3
 Introduction: John the apostle is the writer of this book as we can see from these texts. John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:20 where he writes that the apostle whom Jesus loved. Further in John 21:24 he says that the disciple whom Jesus loved was also an eye witness and he is the one who wrote these things down. The   purpose of this book is seen in John 20:30-31. Therefore he wrote this so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God and by believing we may have life in his name. He therefore wrote these characteristics of Jesus to make the reader know whom Jesus is.
Jesus is the Word: Verse1
In the beginning was the word and in verse 14 of this chapter, John says the word became flesh. John is writing about someone he heard teaching, he moved with Jesus and touched him. He is not writing an imaginary story. Jesus’ mother lived with John in the last part of her life (John 19:26-27)
He wants us to know all about Jesus from his very first verse. The eternal majesty and deity is the creator of the universe. This is what John wants us to capture in order to feel the way they felt at that time.
John wants us to recognize the infinite majesty of Jesus Christ so that we may read this with worship, humility, submissiveness and awe that the man at the wedding party or the man at the well or the man on the mountain is the creator of the universe. John is not making a mistake but wants us to know that this man was with God in the beginning, He was God, he is the one who laid his life for us (John 15:13), and is the creator.
Why call Jesus the Word?
Because he is the truth of God and
His word is truth of God
He came to witness to the truth (John 18:37) and He was the truth (John 14:6)
Rev 19:13 says the one who judges is the word and from Rev 19:15 we get that from his mouth is a sharp sword. Ephesians 6:17 makes us know that the sword of the spirit is the word of God. So we can now understand why John called Jesus the word.
Jesus existed before creation
In the beginning was the word (ie before creation). Jude also confirms the everlasting nature of Jesus in Jude 1:25. Paul in his second letter to Timothy reiterate that we received grace through Jesus before time began. Therefore, before anytime or matter ever existed there was the word, Jesus Christ, the son of God.
The word was God (Identity of Jesus)
The Jewish Pharisees understood in John 10:33 when they accused him of blasphemy making himself God. He is our savior, our Lord and our God. Jesus is everlasting, he created everything and existed before matter and time were created.
The word was with God
The word, Jesus Christ was with God and he was God. He is God and he is the image of God, a perfect representation of all that God is (The fullness of God). There is just one essence of God but three persons. Two are mentioned here; the father and the son. If you throw away the deity of Jesus Christ, then you throw away your soul. Then what you mean is that Jesus could not accomplish your salvation (Heb 2:14-15).
All things were made through him verses 2-3
He was the father’s agent or word in the creation of all things. But in doing it, he was God. God, the word, created the world. Our savior, Lord, friend and maker
Jesus was not created (made) vs3
“Without him was not anything made that was made”. So Christ was not made since he made everything that was made. Before you exist you can’t bring yourself into being. That is what it means to be God (He was not made). And the word was God.

Unfortunately, some people have not realized the deity of Christ and so cannot submit or worship him. They think Jesus is just like any good teacher and so it suffices for them to find a good moral teacher and all will be well. No! they are living in darkness. They cannot understand the light that has come. They can only realize whom Jesus is if they know the situation of mankind as concerns sin and why man has to be redeemed.
It is not yet late, you can still accept Jesus as you savior, Lord and God. He will restore you. You need to submit to his teachings, the truth about God and who he is.
