Friday, 25 October 2013

Giving that glorifies God

2 Cor 8 :1-3
When I started working, I tried to develop a habit of sending money to my mother every time I received my salary. I did this not because my mom was poor or lacking but because I always felt that I owed her much attention for what she did to me; Giving birth to me, nourishing me and even my children. She was always sending food to us till her last week when she died.
                I was indebted to her. So I tried to show my love by providing for her too. Human beings have this tendency to respond to people based on how much they receive. As Christians, if we need to consider this then with respect to what God has done for us, we would excel in our giving.  When we give for the gospel, we are also appreciating what God has done for us. The one who receives much must show much appreciation.
a)      God First gave us (John 3:16)
1.       God first gave us His son as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus himself sacrificed his position as the son of God and God in the trinity. He came and died in our place. Not just dying but dying a shameful death on the cross; so that we can live for eternity if we believe in Him. This is a great gift and if we consider the value of this gift then we can evaluate the kind of appreciation we need to show back to Him.
2.       We are debtors to God (Ro 1:14). Though debtors we need to give out of love for God and His ministry (1cor 13:3)
3.       The Gold and the silver, the sheep and the cattle on the mountains belong to God. What you have in your pocket, your home and yourself belong to God who created everything in this universe. Who then are you to withhold that which does not belong to you from God?
b)      God gave us eternal life and he wants us to be imitators of him – Excelling in Giving 2Cor 8:1-
                                                               i.      The Macedonian church gave sacrificially just like the widows offering in Mark 12:44. She gave out of her poverty and the Holy Spirit and Christ recommended her. The same is true of the Macedonian church who gave out of their hardship (2 Cor 8:2)
                                                             ii.      Today must of us do not give for evangelism, to the poor and the needy because of self centeredness. We lie that things are hard. Even when God blesses, you still cry. “Things are hard”! I tell you, what you are calling for yourself will meet you. If you call poverty, you’ll receive poverty. If you call riches, you’ll receive riches.
                                                            iii.      I know God has already blessed me with riches. It is the grace of God that has been given to me. It is God’s favor, He is pleased when we give sacrificially. This grace is what is called favor.
                                                           iv.      If you want God’s favor to be showered upon you, then you must open your hands and give. A boxer can never receive because the hands are tight.
                                                             v.      Paul collected this offering to help victims in Judea because there was famine there. But Macedonian also were afflicted because of the difficult economic situation they had. But they gave for the needs of others, when they also expected help. Instead of crying they blessed others!
                                                           vi.      They gave with a joyful spirit, even in their poverty. Not grudgingly! They were poor churches but did not use their state as an excuse not to give. Many of us use the excuse of our poverty not to manifest the spirit of giving what we have.
                                                          vii.      The Macedonian church knew the tremendous gift of grace that God has given to them and the eternal glory that is yet to come. That is why they gave out of their poverty.
                                                        viii.      We have received God’s gift freely, so we should also give to others freely  (Mt 10:8).
                                                           ix.      As a church, we can only receive God’s favor if we give sacrificially to the misfortune of others.
                                                             x.      As Christians, we can only receive God’s favor if we give sacrificially to the needy and for God’s ministry.
                                                           xi.      Those people did not only give but they gave generously. The Bible says they “…abounded in the riches of their liberality
                                                          xii.      They gave beyond their ability. They refused to allow their poor situation to hinder them from doing what they had to do in response for God’s generosity to them.
·         I want to hear some one say “I refuse to allow my situation hinder me from responding to God’s generosity
·         Turn to your neighbor and say that aloud.
·         I will respond to God’s generosity come what!
                                                       xiii.      Many churches gave what they could give. But the Macedonian church gave more than what was expected of them. They gave more than their target. This is the period for our harvest thanksgiving here in Mount Zion Baptist Church Boko. Are you determined to give beyond your ability?
                                                       xiv.      Are you determined to give sacrificially?
                                                         xv.      I know the church has budgeted for every group; youth, women and men. Have you made your own personal budget for the thanksgiving?
                                                        xvi.      Are you willing to go beyond your budget?
                                                      xvii.      If you want God’s favor to be poured on you like what happened to the Macedonian church, then you must give sacrificially.
                                                     xviii.      The Macedonian church had learned the spirit of giving that produces inward joy and spiritual growth.
                                                        xix.      This is the kind of giving that brings glory to God. He gave us eternal life through the sacrificial giving of his only begotten Son.
                                                         xx.      We can only reflect our God if we also give sacrificially. Our Lord Jesus Christ recommended the widow with her offering. Are you ready to make your giving this season seen and recommended by God?
                                                        xxi.      God the Father recommended Abraham who was willing to give sacrificially even to the point of giving his Son too. This is glorifying to God when we give out of our poverty.
                                                      xxii.      Let heaven open your doors this season as you get through the harvest thanksgiving.

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