Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Do not be indifferent !

Heb 10 :26-31
When we talk of indifference, we mean people who care less. Here we are talking of people who care less about their spiritual life hence are given to sin. They repeatedly commit sin and it has become their way of life. Not because they do it ignorantly. Not because they do it out of weakness but because they have decided to continuously live in it; doing nothing to stop the flesh from this lust. We know the work of the flesh struggles against the work of the spirit.
·         In the flesh is no good thing (Ro 7:18)
·         The flesh produces dead works (Heb 9:14)
·         We should therefore not put our trust in the flesh (Phil 3:3) because you cannot please God when living in the flesh (Ro 8:8)
[My intention is that at the end of this message you will be able to know that you are not supposed to feed the flesh with that which it desires] Ro 13:14
    a)      What are the things that feed the flesh? Gal 5:19-21
·         Adultery which is illicit sexual intercourse outside the bond of marriage violating the conditions of that covenant
·         Fornication which range from prostitution, unchastity including homosexuality and lesbianism.
·         Uncleanness which includes impure life, a filthiness of heart and mind including all that which is ceremonially unclean before God (Lev 7:19-21)
·         Lewdness which includes sensuality, lewd dancing, lasciviousness, debauchery, immoral dress and indecent conduct (2 cor 12:21; Eph 4:19; 1 Pet 4:3)
Today many people have entered into homosexuality as a response to sensuality. They say, they are civilized, and that they are responding to their sensibility. This is sin and we cannot respect their desires as far as they are immoral. God does not respect homosexuality that is why He punished Sodom and Gomorrah. We are His disciples and will not respect that at all. God is about to thunder again against this generation.
                To the men and women of God who are indifferent; who do not say anything about these bad practices, God will also ask you what you have done as His disciple. Today our youths copy just anything up to immoral dressing. Girls dressed with all the contours of their body exposed. Others dress with exposed breast or buttocks. Young boys today dress with their inner wears exposed and trousers hanging at the base of the buttocks, and indecent conduct is normal for the youths today.
                Parents who allow these will also answer before God because the blood of these lost children shall be asked of the parents and the Christians around them. What are you doing about what you see today? In Cameroon, since last month Nov 2013 the ministry of youth affairs has launched a campaign against indecent dressings and conduct in public. It is high time the church takes its responsibility to bring the transformation that is needed in the lives of men and women in our society today. It is true that force cannot bring the transformation that our Lord wants to bring to the heart of men. Today I was told in Bamenda that some young boys have been beaten by the BIR and that the city council has taken it a responsibility to bring decent dressing in the town of Bamenda. Many youths are now afraid to dress poorly exposing their buttocks. This is good but we as Christians need to do more to bring real change to these youths of our nation. They need to dress well because of love for their neighbor and God, not because of fear.
                The Bible tells us that the man who is indifferent is a brother to the wicked (Proverb 18:9). So, do not be slothful, God does not want people who are slack
·         The flesh does not produce any good thing. Idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envying, drunkenness, reveling, and others are the works of the flesh.
·         But we need to please God with the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Knowing that indifference is also sin; will you continue in sin?
   b)      Willful sin
Willful sin is deliberate life-style of turning away from the grace of God. This is a person who has rejected the truth of the gospel. And the gospel is the word of God. And the word that was with God and that was God is Jesus Christ. If we continue in sin after hearing this word of truth, then there is no sacrifice for sin again but the judgment of the Lord.
·         The truth is the grace in the work of God that was revealed through the cross (Gal 1:6). That is the truth of the gospel.
·         When you continue in sin, you no longer have sufficient sacrifice (Heb 6:4-6) for your sins. The cleansing blood of Christ is no longer effective in your life
Moving away from grace, you are going for the law hence you are severed from Christ. You are truly cut off from Christ (Gal 5:1-6). So the cleansing blood is no longer for you.
·         Flee from sin and do not be indifferent about sin my brothers and sisters
   c)       The result of rejection is punishment from God
·         The soul and the body will be destroyed in hell (Mtt 10:28)
·         The punishment will be server because they have rejected God who is more than the law of Moses
·         Jesus is more than Moses (Heb 3:1-6)
·         The new covenant is greater than the Old Testament (Heb 8:6)
·         Jesus is a better priest than the levitical priesthood (Heb 7:11-20)
·         The sacrifice of Jesus is better than the sacrifice of animals (Heb 9:11-22)
·         The punishment will be greater if you reject the greater things listed above. These things are embedded in Christ alone.
                                                               i.      If you turn back to the Old Testament system, then you mean that the sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient
                                                             ii.      You are in that case insulting the grace of God that was revealed on the cross (Ti 2:11)
                                                            iii.      Today many Christians are abandoning the truth not to turn to the levitical system but to turn to the world. They will receive the same punishment and Peter says they are like “ a dog that returns to his own vomit,” (2Pet 2:22)
                                                           iv.      God says vengeance is mine. God will not overlook your rejection. He will judge you and pay you for your deeds. They are the enemies of righteousness (Ro 12:19)
                                                             v.      It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Do not be deceived that you can turn away from the cross, and yet escape God’s vengeance (Lk 12:5). REPENT NOW and LIVE!


Do not be afraid: Have courage

Heb 13:5-6
Many Christians are frightened these days because of the trials and difficulties they face. Many have carried fear right into the church and have created division in the house of God just like the people of the world. A Christian asked me that “why do we allow just any person to speak and sing in the church? We do not know from where the person is coming and the motive.”
All this was because of fear. She was afraid that the lady who visited us and was moved to sing to the Lord could have been an agent of darkness. But there was no proof. She forgot that He that is in us is more than the work of Satan in the world.
[My intention is  to bring you to the point that you’ll develop courage even in your fears and know that God will never forsake His children]
a)      What causes fear in some is because they are not contented with what they have.
·         Many people are materialistic and they want all for themselves. When they cannot get that much they are frightened by their desires.
·         Some are not happy with their little and they feel that they are in lack
o   That they are poor
o   That they must do something for their poverty
·         But Heb 13:5 says we must be contented with what we have
o   Your children
o   Your wife
o   Your husband
o   Your job,
o   your money
o   your health; all that you have!
·         Do not be a lover of money!
o   For no covetous man has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God (Eph 5:5)
o   The love of money is the root to all evil (1 Tim 6:10)
o   But those who have been blessed with riches by God should not trust in their riches but in the living God who richly gives us all things to enjoy (1Tim 6:17)
·         A good Christian is always satisfied with the things they have.
ü  Because God will never forsake His children
b)      Christians must be courageous, knowing that God is always with them.
                                 i.            If you know that what you have, comes from God, you’ll be contented.
                               ii.            But if you think it is out of your labour, you’ll always be afraid of losing it; afraid when things are not moving as you would love.
                              iii.            But what does God say?
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Vs 5
                             iv.            So your blessings are what God feels is sufficient for your earthly dwelling. You have to be happy with it and use the blessings you have in its measure.
c)       You must be bold to say that I will not fear!
Why? Because:
ü  God is your helper
ü  God is in your life
ü  God helps His children (Psalm 27:1)
ü  God is our strength
ü  No one can be against us when God is for us (Romans 8:32)
ü  He who works in us is greater than Satan who works in the world.
ü  Christians have already received the victory
o   Victory over poverty
o   Victory over death
o   Victory over sickness
o   Victory over evil
o   Victory over Satan because Jesus won it and handed it to those who believe in Him.
What will man do to me? Nothing!
What should I then do with this victory?
ü  Continue in Christian walk faithfully
ü  Spread the good news with boldness
ü  Continue in brotherly love (Heb 13:1) because it is pleasing to God.
ü  To dwell with God in eternity you must love your brethren.
ü  How can you dwell with God in eternity when you cannot love? God is love and in eternity all the Christians will be there.
ü  Can you dwell in such a place when you cannot love on earth? No! The qualification to dwell in heaven is to have the nature that can dwell in heaven with brethrens.
Ø  When you understand the principle of love, you’ll show hospitality even to strangers.
o   Extend your love beyond the people you personally know.
o   Extend your love by helping others and especially other Christians who are suffering for the gospel.
o   It does not matter whether they are from your denomination or not; they are part of the universal church of Christ.
o   They are working with us for the same purpose: win souls for Christ! The Bible tells us to think of them who are in chains for the gospel of Jesus Christ vs3
o   Do not be that kind who’ll be afraid of every one especially strangers in our churches.
o   How can you show Christian love to a visiting Christian when you have in mind that he or she maybe an agent of darkness?
o   God is with you and no one can do you harm. “What will a man do to me when God is my helper?”
Ø  Arise and take the Christian walk with boldness;
§  Confessing Jesus Christ with boldness
§  Telling people what he has done in your life
§  Reminding yourself that he is still working in you
§  Ask those who do not know Him to come and hear. To believe in him and they will have rest. He is the Christ who came and died for our sins to save us from wrath!