Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Do not be afraid: Have courage

Heb 13:5-6
Many Christians are frightened these days because of the trials and difficulties they face. Many have carried fear right into the church and have created division in the house of God just like the people of the world. A Christian asked me that “why do we allow just any person to speak and sing in the church? We do not know from where the person is coming and the motive.”
All this was because of fear. She was afraid that the lady who visited us and was moved to sing to the Lord could have been an agent of darkness. But there was no proof. She forgot that He that is in us is more than the work of Satan in the world.
[My intention is  to bring you to the point that you’ll develop courage even in your fears and know that God will never forsake His children]
a)      What causes fear in some is because they are not contented with what they have.
·         Many people are materialistic and they want all for themselves. When they cannot get that much they are frightened by their desires.
·         Some are not happy with their little and they feel that they are in lack
o   That they are poor
o   That they must do something for their poverty
·         But Heb 13:5 says we must be contented with what we have
o   Your children
o   Your wife
o   Your husband
o   Your job,
o   your money
o   your health; all that you have!
·         Do not be a lover of money!
o   For no covetous man has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God (Eph 5:5)
o   The love of money is the root to all evil (1 Tim 6:10)
o   But those who have been blessed with riches by God should not trust in their riches but in the living God who richly gives us all things to enjoy (1Tim 6:17)
·         A good Christian is always satisfied with the things they have.
ü  Because God will never forsake His children
b)      Christians must be courageous, knowing that God is always with them.
                                 i.            If you know that what you have, comes from God, you’ll be contented.
                               ii.            But if you think it is out of your labour, you’ll always be afraid of losing it; afraid when things are not moving as you would love.
                              iii.            But what does God say?
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Vs 5
                             iv.            So your blessings are what God feels is sufficient for your earthly dwelling. You have to be happy with it and use the blessings you have in its measure.
c)       You must be bold to say that I will not fear!
Why? Because:
ü  God is your helper
ü  God is in your life
ü  God helps His children (Psalm 27:1)
ü  God is our strength
ü  No one can be against us when God is for us (Romans 8:32)
ü  He who works in us is greater than Satan who works in the world.
ü  Christians have already received the victory
o   Victory over poverty
o   Victory over death
o   Victory over sickness
o   Victory over evil
o   Victory over Satan because Jesus won it and handed it to those who believe in Him.
What will man do to me? Nothing!
What should I then do with this victory?
ü  Continue in Christian walk faithfully
ü  Spread the good news with boldness
ü  Continue in brotherly love (Heb 13:1) because it is pleasing to God.
ü  To dwell with God in eternity you must love your brethren.
ü  How can you dwell with God in eternity when you cannot love? God is love and in eternity all the Christians will be there.
ü  Can you dwell in such a place when you cannot love on earth? No! The qualification to dwell in heaven is to have the nature that can dwell in heaven with brethrens.
Ø  When you understand the principle of love, you’ll show hospitality even to strangers.
o   Extend your love beyond the people you personally know.
o   Extend your love by helping others and especially other Christians who are suffering for the gospel.
o   It does not matter whether they are from your denomination or not; they are part of the universal church of Christ.
o   They are working with us for the same purpose: win souls for Christ! The Bible tells us to think of them who are in chains for the gospel of Jesus Christ vs3
o   Do not be that kind who’ll be afraid of every one especially strangers in our churches.
o   How can you show Christian love to a visiting Christian when you have in mind that he or she maybe an agent of darkness?
o   God is with you and no one can do you harm. “What will a man do to me when God is my helper?”
Ø  Arise and take the Christian walk with boldness;
§  Confessing Jesus Christ with boldness
§  Telling people what he has done in your life
§  Reminding yourself that he is still working in you
§  Ask those who do not know Him to come and hear. To believe in him and they will have rest. He is the Christ who came and died for our sins to save us from wrath!

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