Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Revival: Can dry bones live again? Ezekiel 37:1-14

Do we need Revival? I know the answer to every church is that we need revival. But many people do not know how to bring about revival first in their lives and then the city. Many Christians want revival in their church but they are not ready to be revived themselves. God repeats in His word that revival can only happen if we return to His truth.  When My people return to Me, When My people turn from their wicked ways, turn from their sins, and call upon My Name.Then I will hear, then I will heal, then I will set you free, then will I pour out My Spirit upon them.

The Dictionary defines revival as the restoring of a near dead being to life. Revival is when the church has a renewal in obedience to God’s will. Revival is when individuals have a renewal in their relationship with Jesus Christ and they begin to share Christ with others. Revival is when people begin to be convicted of their sins and they confess and surrender their lives to Jesus.

We have two types of people, one is the group who pray for and desire with all their heart for God to send revival. The other don’t want revival to come to their lives or to the church. Why do some people hate revival? Because they do not want to get loose of their idols. Their idols may be their work, their sinful old life, their pride, their business, their family, what so ever that they put before God. God has chosen us to share the truth and promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is that anyone who refuses Jesus is heading to a hell of fire which is unquenchable (Mark 9:44). As Christians, we need to tell the world that without Jesus, if you leave this world you are going for swimming. But it is not swimming in cool water or river; it will be in a lake of fire. That is why we need revival in our heart and in our country. The church today has turned its back away from God and is not telling the story; people holding on to their pride, popularity, power and we have forgotten our mission. Some are accepting fornication, others homosexuality, others on abortion, some on gambling as a way to raise money. What is happening to God’s church today?

 We need revival because we begin to die at birth. We were death since Adam's sin. Relationships break down, sickness comes and bad things come up in our minds. I needed reviving and you need it too. God wants this earth to mirror heaven that is why you are called to show the light to this world.

   a)    Many churches today are sleeping giants
We are comfortable with our social gatherings and we are doing nothing that pleases God. Many churches today look like they are alive but they are dead. Jesus revealed this to the church in Sardis , “These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.” Revelation 3:1 Sleeping giants are temporary death and they need a kick on the buttocks for them to wake up from slumber. But a dead church is already in the graveyard, already buried in the earth. Can life again enter into it? In other words, can a dead church be revived? What do we need to have these sleeping giants wake up? They need to understand their desperate condition which is prompted by divine prophecy hence producing a dynamic army.

   b)   Revival starts by a desperate condition vs 1-2
The Lord starts by showing Ezekiel a great vision of a large valley with many bones which are dried, hundreds of thousands of bones. The vision is simply terrible, frightening, and even ghastly. God says to Ezekiel, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel (verse 11a).” These are the ten northern tribes who were in exile by Assyria and those in exile by Babylon. God showed them as dead people with dry bones in a grave yard. Their situation was like that of the church in Sardis. They were as if they were alive but they were dead. Is it the same for the church in Cameroon today? Many of our churches look alive but they are dead. Nothing is happening, the only thing that is happening is picnics and meetings and social gatherings. There is no great conviction to souls such that every Christian is yearning for the word and for lost souls. We love celebrations when we have done nothing.

Ezekiel says the bones were very dry vs 2b. These bones have been out in the open blistering sun for a long time and all the marrow and life sap had been drained from them. This is a picture of utter hopelessness and desolation. The people of Israel felt like that- hopeless and God also sees them hopeless. Is there then not any hope for them? Is any kind of revival out of the question? For Israel? For the church today? For us? When God’s people find themselves in a hopeless situation, does that mean that all hope is lost? Can revival still come? The answer is “Yes!” but not from our side, but from God’s side. It is when we feel desperate and hopeless that we can genuinely seek God’s help. Some of us sing “my help comes from you Lord” but they never seek the Lord for help. We are our own masters and we think we can do everything on our own. Revival starts with feelings of hopelessness.

   c)    It is also prompted by divine prophecy vs 3-7
Though things look hopeless, God has not finished with his people yet. As Ezekiel wonders in these dry bones God asks him a question, “Son of man, can these bones live?” (Ezekiel 37:3) What a strange question! This kind of question is just telling us that God is not satisfied with the desperate condition of Israel. The same is said of our church today. God is far from being satisfied with what our churches are doing today. He is far from being satisfied with what you as the temple of the Holy Spirit is doing today. Ask yourself if you are satisfying God in your life. You are like dry bones and God wants you to live. Ask your neighbor “Can these bones live?” Point to yourself and ask your neighbor. Surely he has no answer for you. What do you think about yourself?
Ezekiel was also very careful in his answer to the Lord. He did not say the dead is dead and it is impossible. Ezekiel answers, “O Sovereign Lord (all-mighty, all-powerful), you alone know.” That is, “I know that with you, Sovereign Lord, there are no impossibilities. You can make the humanly unthinkable and impossible possible. You spoke the word in the beginning and creation came into being. You led the people of Israel through the impossible to cross Red Sea. In the wilderness you provided bread from heaven and water from a hard rock. With you, Lord, everything is possible. Even dead and dry bones can live. Just say the word.
Then God says to Ezekiel, “You say the word: Prophesy! Prophesy to these bones and prophesy to the wind.” Just repeat what I tell you to say, no more and no less. Just act in obedience to the voice of the Lord. That’s still the task of the preacher today. Speak the word of God! Preaching is not just telling interesting and captivating stories, although at times stories have their proper place. Preaching is not lecturing on some dogmatic truth. Preaching is speaking the word of the Lord, echoing what God says!
Ezekiel just did as the Lord commanded. In verse 7 we read, “So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise....” As a result of Ezekiel’s preaching, something happens. There is movement in these lifeless bones. Noise here could represent people coming together. Bones to bones because of God’s word.

  d)   Finally produces a dynamic army  vs 7-14
The revival as prophesied by Ezekiel occurs in three stages: from bones to bones, from bones to life beings, and from life beings to a mighty army. The first stage is from bones to bones. When God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy, he must have felt a bit silly. Speaking to dead bones is like preaching to empty pews. However, when Ezekiel proclaimed, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord,” there was a noise, a rattling sound, “and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them.” So the bones became corpses, but still dead, for the prophet adds, “But there was no breath in them.” (Eze 37:7-8). Perhaps we’ve been preaching and only gathering corpses in Boko. Why is the door-to-door evangelism not moving as expected? Why are some youths discouraged by others as if God called them for other people? Are you coming here because of the youth leader? Or the pastor? Or the Appointed deacon? Or the choir leader or who? Are you sure your motivation of being here is God?
God said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy to the breath … and say to it, “This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live.” Just as in Genesis 2:7 God breath into the ground to give life to man. Only the Holy Spirit can enter his breath into dead corpses and make them live. . “So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet – a vast army.” That once mighty army which bones were scattered on the huge battlefield is once again revived and restored. “Like a mighty army moves the church of God!”
As a result of Ezekiel’s prophetic preaching the graveyard comes to life. God has done the humanly unthinkable. The impossible has become a reality. After this prophecy Israel experienced a revival and returned and rebuild the temple and temple worship started again.
Although temple worship still continued in a brand new temple built by Herod the Great, dead formalism had set in. The bones had become bodies, but there was no spirit in them. By the time of Jesus, religious skeletons by the name of Pharisees and religious teachers of the Mosaic laws were walking around in Jerusalem. This is how Jesus described them: “Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces. Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it." (Luke 11:44). And on the Day of Pentecost the four winds came, the Breath of the Holy Spirit swept through the temple halls and a heavenly fire erupted and those who had been dead before came to life again. On that first day of Pentecost no less than 3000 persons received this new life from the Spirit of God. Revival had happened in the graveyard.

Can it still happen today? Is genuine spiritual revival still possible for dormant and sleeping giants? Is new life still possible for Sardis-like dead churches? The answer comes from God in Genesis 18 after Sarah laughed at what she thought was a ridiculous suggestion for her to have a child at age of nine-nine: “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14). Before his ascension into heaven Jesus told his disciples to “wait for the gift my Father promised, which you heard me speak about.” (Acts 1:4) But we are to wait, for to wait is to pray, to pray fervently, and to keep on praying until the Breath of God comes upon us with mighty Pentecostal power. But you may be wasting your time praying if you have not yet received Jesus in your life. I call on you to make a decision right now. Dry bones can live again. If you were alive to Christ and now you know deep in you that your spiritual life is dead, this is the time to revive yourself and be returning to God.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Wake up Youths (Jeremiah 1 :4-10)

Introduction :  The book of Jeremiah starts with his call to mission. God personally called Jeremiah for the ministry to deliver His final words to a nation that was coming to an end. The independent National Israel was coming to an end and so Jeremiah was called as prophet who lamented over the doom of Israel. God has always wanted and is using youths for revival. In Joel 2:28 God says “Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy… your young men shall see visions” The same happened to Joshua and the generation under 20 in Deuteronomy 1:39 where God promised them the promised land. David the young hero was also used by God to bring revival to the Jews and saved them from the philistines ( Sam 17:33). Josiah the boy king brought revival to Judah and Jerusalem as he sought the God of his father David (II Chronicles 34:3). Jesus Himself began His ministry at about 30 years of age. His disciples probably were between 21 and 35 and it is from these young leaders that God established his church that turned the world upside down. I want you to notice that God knows why you are here today and He has called you for a purpose. God wants you to start a new thing from this afternoon because He has commissioned you. Some of the youths think there are special people called for the ministry even when God shows them the opportunities He has opened for them.
    a)      God says He knew you before He formed you in the womb (vs 5)
Can you understand? That God knew what He was creating? He made you intentionally. He did not make any mistake and so all the qualities He needs are found in you because He made you with those talents. In this verse 5, God transcended the affairs of His people through Jeremiah in order to pass His final words to them. Today God is doing same to you youths and He wants you to use your youthfulness to convey His word to the lost before their doom.
Jeremiah was sanctified in the womb before he came out. God made him holy and set him apart for this special ministry. Today God has sanctified you through the blood of Jesus. So you are set apart for God’s special ministry through Christ even as he commands all who follow Him to “go into the world and make disciples”. That is your commission, Douala Association Youths. You were not called to make social gatherings and picnics but to be light to this dark generation of worldly youths who do not know Christ. You are set apart to show example for the lost to learn and glorify God in what they see you do.
God has appointed you priest to the nations just as He appointed Jeremiah prophet to the nations. The Bible says “You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood…that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). How can you show His praises in fornication, lies telling, gossiping, laziness, and grumbling?  These things should never be part of you else they will make you a stumbling block for people who want to receive Christ.
You maybe saying that it’s the work of the pastors and leaders of the church to evangelize, to come to prayer meetings or Bible study meetings. Yes they are the leaders but you too are called to the same mission.
   b)     Stop complaining and take up your ministry (vs 6)
Jeremiah in verse 6 as Moses in Exodus 3 sought to use his inability as excuse from his initial calling. You maybe saying that you do not have enough theology, or that you are not eloquent in speech, or that you need a higher education before you can start. You maybe saying that when you finish school and have a good job, that is when you can serve God better. All these are excuses and will take you to nowhere in your ministry God has assigned you when you received Christ. There is one thing God cannot make and this is a mistake. God cannot make mistakes. He knew you before you were born.
   c)      Being a youth makes you qualified for God’s mission to the lost (vs 6,7)
Jeremiah said “I cannot speak, for I am a youth” (Jer 1:6) But God knows us before we discover ourselves. He knows our abilities, though we do not perceive it, for He gave them to us. God told Jeremiah to be bold because He will deliver him. Today God is still the same and He says “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you” What is holding you from evangelizing your friends at school and at work? Why can you not talk to your fellow friends about Jesus? Perhaps you are still living in sin that’s why you are ashamed or afraid of the gospel.
    d)     God has given you His word in the scriptures.
Jeremiah received it on his mouth and you are blessed with everything in the Bible. You have the word of God. What you need is to read it carefully and speak it carefully and intentionally.
If you live a life that is Christ-centered, you’ll have no fear, not even from spiritual attacks nor physical attacks from your family, friends or classmates. Just as with Jeremiah, God says “He has given you authority to root out and to pull down (Jer 1:10) You need to root out anything that was not planted by God in your life and the lives of your friends. You need to pull down anything that exalts himself above God in your life and around you. You need to build and plant those things God wills in your life in the name of Jesus.
You cannot be able to exercise this authority without Jesus. You can only do it if you have received Jesus in your life. He came to earth leaving His throne to show you and I the way. He was crucified and buried. The third day He was raised to life. His blood was shed for your sins. If you have never received Jesus Christ and you want to receive Him and this authority to uproot any evil in your life, just raise up your right hand. Jesus ascended into heaven and is seated upon the throne ruling with authority over heaven and earth. He will come again to judge the world. What shall you tell Him when He comes? You may leave this afternoon and never reach your house. It’ll not surprise me. Ask yourself what you’ll answer God if He asks you why He should allow you into His kingdom. Jesus is the only way to the Lord.
*** Repeat this prayer with me if you do not know when you ever received Jesus Christ into your life.
For those of you who had already received Christ but are still sleeping: You are not taking your ministry serious; you are afraid of evangelizing or going out even for door-to-door evangelism. Not even prayer meetings in church; I want you to pray for yourself and ask God to forgive you from your foolishness and sin. Be determined and commit your life to do just the will of God.
I want all of us to stand up on our feet and pair up. Hold the hands of your neighbor and you’ll ask God’s blessings upon the person’s life. Ask God to burn the fire of love and evangelism in their life. Ask God to protect His word that has been planted in the person’s life. Ask God to create opportunities for the person to witness for Christ. Uproot anything that is in the person’s life that was not planted by God in Jesus name. You are given the authority to also pull down those things that are making themselves higher than the word of God. Pull down any stronghold in the person’s life in Jesus name. Pray that the person will be passionate for Jesus no matter what. Pray that the person will have no rest until the person submits to Jesus.


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

God will judge the shepherds who scatter His flock (Jeremiah 23 :1-4)

Introduction: The Old Testament talks of shepherds when referring to kings or rulers whom God has put over His people. A shepherd’s work is to tend the flock; guide them through right paths; feed them and protect them from wild beast. Today we have only Jesus Christ as the shepherd of the flock of God. Then pastors are referred to as under-shepherds; because they are to shepherd the flock under the sovereign shepherd whose rule has no end. But at the time of Jeremiah, the kings of Israel who were to lead the people in the fear of God failed, but led them astray from God to embrace idolatry.
Starting from Solomon, the kings led the people to idol gods. Why did they do that?
  1. Economic gain pushed the leaders to scatter God’s flock
The kings wanted to establish alliances for trade and economic gain. They were more concerned about their economic level than about God’s sovereignty; so they had alliances with other nations and started worshipping the idol gods of the other nations. But the elders of Israel did nothing to stop the people from the evil influences of the Kings. So like the king, the elders were also guilty.
Today in our churches we are facing similar situations. The under-shepherds no longer function under, they are more concerned about their pride, their power, their influence, and some on what they earn in return. They go too far to even split churches for their selfish interests. Pastors fighting pastors and for positions. They use their mouths to declare their condemnation. They claim they are servants but do not serve; they want to lead; and are not concern about the life of the church or Christians whom they are called to be under-shepherds. God says “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” (Jer 23:1)
These leaders have not attended to the flock of God (Jer 23:2). They attend to themselves and their stomach. The elders too have done nothing to stop this. Just as to Israel God is about to attend to them for the evil of their deeds. When you move from one association to another, there are churches like that; with leaders fighting each other at the detriment of the church. But God will gather those who remain faithful.
  1. God gathers the faithful and prospers their hands (Jer 23:3)
In this text God would gather His flock from the nations where they were scattered in the Assyrian and Babylonian captives. God will no longer allow Israel to have kings on earth. You understand that at the time of Jesus Herod was appointed King over Israel by the Romans; but he was not recognized or sanctioned by God. God would remain Israel’s only king ruling from heaven. God the father did that until when He handed all authority over to His Son (Matt 28:18).
  1. God has set His shepherd over His flock (Jer 23:4)
God has set Jesus over His children and He says we’ll fear no more and we’ll no longer lack. Daniel 7:13,14 clearly show this is Daniel’s vision. He says the son of man came with the clouds of heaven to the Ancient of days. Jesus ascended into heaven to God the Father where He is enthroned and is seated at the ruling position in the heavenly realm. Jesus is given dominion and glory and sovereignty over all the nations and peoples. His dominion is everlasting and His sovereignty will not be destroyed.
Are you an elder who is not concerned about the unity of the church and the growth of God’s kingdom? Are you a leader who is only concerned about yourself and what you will receive from serving God or serving in the church? Are you a Christian who only think of yourself, your family or tribe? You may be visited as God promised the shepherds who scattered His flock. The overall shepherd of the flock is still alive and is seated at the ruling position in heaven. God saw that we were lost, scattered all over because there was no one to lead us. Then He sent His son, the shepherd of the flock to gather us even by shading His blood on the cross of calvary. He ascended in the clouds to the ancient of days where all authority in heaven and on earth is given to Him.
You may not see that everything is subjected to Jesus because Satan and his host are continually disobedient. However, when He comes again, it will be seen clearly that everything is under His control when He brings judgment upon all who opposed Him. My plead is for you to re-examine yourself and see if you are leading a life which when He comes, He can call you faithful servant. If you are truly a Holy priesthood, a child called to show the light of Jesus to the world, then you’ll love the unity of His church.
I want you to bow down your head and pray for yourself. Rededicate your life to serve Jesus and not yourself or family or tribe. Not to hold on to your economic gain at the expense of the church of God. Ask God to forgive your foolishness and be determined to do His will. Shalom!

Friday, 27 November 2015

Who is the God who will deliver you? Daniel 3:7-18

Introduction:  Sometimes believers are moved by their past and wretched situations that the flesh is always dominating their lives even when the spirit pushes them to worship the true God. At times our poverty, our sickness, our difficulties become too important to us that we lose focus on God. This is just proof of a deprived mind.
In chapter 2 of Daniel, Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and indicated that the King was the head of gold. King Nebuchadnezzar bowed down and worshiped Daniel when his dream was interpreted. I think Nebuchadnezzar conceived the idea of this image from his dream in chap 2 and as he fell down before Daniel, he surely thought the people will do same to his image of gold. He wanted the people to focus on worship but his pagan mind moved him to a wrong direction.
There are many people like this in the church who want to worship God but because of their deadness to tradition and the flesh they tend to always steal God’s glory. They think they are doing the right thing but they are lost, they are not true worshipers. They are like Nebuchadnezzar. The question we are asking is which God will deliver you? Your past maybe a stumbling block to your future prosperity.
   a)     Unresolved past will meet you again
There are certain habits that continue to destroy your Christian life because you did not solve it for ones when you received Jesus Christ. You cannot escape your problems. You have to solve the problems else you’ll meet them again on your way.
There are many who after receiving Christ say yes I abandon fornication, I abandon stealing, I abandon lies telling, witchcraft, corruption, negligence etc but they have done nothing to make their old friends know about their stand. Yes you no longer fornicate but that your lustful partner does not know that you are now a child of God. Those your stealing friends do not know that you have changed. When they will meet you again, you’ll have to encounter them again.
Verse 8 of our text says certain Chaldeans came and accused the Jews. These are the priestly group of religious leaders who were previously spared from death by Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in chap 2. They now seek accusations against Daniel’s friends in order to kill them. They told the king that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego have refused to bow down before the golden image the King made.
The Bible says Nebuchadnezzar was in rage and fury that 3 friends of Daniel had challenged his orders.
  b)    True worshipers challenge worldly orders  (vs 13_14)
The three young men were determined to stay in faith. They were ready to bear the consequences. We are called to carry our cross when we follow Christ. The apostles did the same, they were never afraid of death or beatings or what so ever because they knew the God they served. Acts 4:28,29 tells us how the disciples prayed to be bold even to death. Though Peter and John manifested great boldness, they and the disciples asked God to grant them more boldness to proclaim the gospel in hostile conditions.
Nebuchadnezzar asked the three Jews, is it true you do not serve my gods, nor worship the golden image I made? If you are ready, just bow down and worship when you hear the sound of the harp or music and that will be well for you. But if you do not, If you do not, I will through you into the furnace of fire.
  c)     Worshipers carry their cross vs 15
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were threatened to death, just because of their worship to God. Are you threatened by your family, your friends or at work because of your Christian life? Nebuchadnezzar made a fire to consume those who refused to worship his golden image. Can you understand? He made a Hell to consume those who were rebellious. If that were today, I’m sure many people sitting here today will go and bow down to that image because they do not want to die, not even by fire. Many Christians today say “Suffering is not my portion”. That is not a true follower of Jesus. He says you must carry your cross and follow Him. I now see why many Christians are running from one prophecy to another. Others are running from one “ngambee” man to another for charms to make business, for protection etc. Some for their healing and they say that it’s God’s way or plan for their life. Never, that is your way not God’s.
What is the Hell you are going through now? Is it sickness, poverty, marriage, bareness or what? Are you asked to worship another God in order to pass through these difficulties? Are you asked to do things that your spirit is telling you don’t? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced Hell in their lives but they were delivered because of their faith.
  d)    Who is that God who will deliver you? Vs 15-17
Maybe Satan, or friends or coworkers are asking you this question in your difficulties?  God always uses the wickedness of the wicked to accomplish his purpose. It happened to our Lord Jesus Act 4:28. God uses Satan’s work to work against Satan. Because of this work of God, all things are working together for the good of the salvation of men (Rom 8:28)
The young men said to Nebuchadnezzar “We do not need to give you an answer about this”. They had already determined their response and answer to any threats. They trusted in God for their deliverance. If God did not deliver them, they will still not submit to false gods.
  e)    The son of God, Jesus is the one who will deliver you.
When the three Jews refused to worship the image of the King, he ordered that the furnace be heated seven times more and commanded mighty men in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and to cast them in to the burning furnace.
In his mind he was sending them to Hell, the Bible says the heat was too much so that it consumed the soldiers who went to throw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I tell you, your enemies will not find you if you remain in Christ.
Looking in the furnace, the King saw four men unbound instead of the three who were bound. He says “behold, I see four men loose and walking in the midst of the fire. And they are not harmed. And the form of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Verse 25 King Nebuchadnezzar confessed that he saw the son of God. Jesus came to the fire and protected the three men in their Hell and the Bible says when they came out, they were not smelling smoke, they had no wound, they were fresh as from an air conditioned room because Jesus was with them.
You can also receive your own miracle today because Jesus is still alive. He came, was crucified on the cross for your sins. The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5 that by His stripes, by His wounds we are healed. Your healing was initiated more than 2000 years ago. Your deliverance has not started today, but Christ paid for it since. You just have to accept this gift from Him and it will be yours. Jesus was raised from the death for you to live a free and Christ-centered life.
Why are you still facing Hell in your life when you have been freed? If you want to experience what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego experienced today in your life, just surrender your life to Jesus. I’m not making a campaign for Jesus, He does not need a campaign. I’m not begging people to Jesus either. I’m not manipulating people to Him. If you are not sure you truly received Jesus Christ and you want to receive Him today as your personal Lord and savior, raise your hand up and we’ll pray together. The same Jesus who was raised to life and ascended to heaven is coming but to judge this time. I do not care what people think but I care about what God thinks. Raise your right hand if you want to surrender your life to Christ. You want to be delivered from the power of sin, from your sickness, from your difficulties? You first need Jesus. No amount of prayer will help you if you do not have Jesus in your life.
If you are not sure Jesus can save you, put down your hand. We are neither playing with God nor begging people to Christ. But if you are sure Jesus will save you, keep your right hand high up and we’ll pray together. You’ll repeat after me as we pray
Lord Jesus. I recognize that I’m a sinner. I acknowledge that I’m worthless and dead in sin. I believe that you came and died on the cross for my sins. Jesus, come into my life and take control over my life. Be my master. Lord Jesus, heal my soul and my body and give me peace and freedom. Thank you Jesus

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Magnifying God with Thanksgiving (Psalm 69:30–32)

"I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving." It is a mark of all the true children of God that they long to magnify the God of their salvation.
O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together. (Psalm 34:3)
These were the heart cry of Old Testament saints. Today it is the same for the true Christians. If you are a true Christian you will always seek to magnify the Lord. The NT says in everything whether you eat or drink; magnify the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Illus: As I was writing the message last Thursday night, it came to my mind that it is exactly 1 year that I lost my brother Wilson (The father to Franck; one of our children in Boko). As we were arranging with other brothers on how we were going to make the thanks giving for the life lived on Sunday God went further with us. I got a phone call that The ENSET final results is out and Franck was successful. When I called the mother (widow) she was rejoicing and thanking everybody. My answer was this “We only thank God. He decided that the results should come just the same day Franck’s father died. The mighty comforter just wiped your tears” Your husband died on 12/11/2014 and today 12/11/2015 your son is successful for the entrance exams to ENSET.
God is all knowing and some times before we start to express our thankfulness to God He makes us know that He knows the intentions of our hearts. And then he pours out his blessings more again.
1)   Magnify God the way He is.
David said, "I will magnify God with thanksgiving." The word "magnify" can be used in two different senses. 
a)     The first meaning of magnifying is that you can make something look greater than it really is. So, something that is very small can be made to look big. That is what the microscope does. It makes what is micro or small to look as if it is macro (big).
b)    The second meaning is that you can make something which is big to look as it really is. So you look for something that is very big which people do not see it big; then you make people see it as big as it is. This is what the telescope does. The telescope makes the stars and the sun which seems to be small because we are looking from far to appear as big as it is.
So we have microscopic magnification and telescopic magnification. The one makes a small thing look bigger than it is. The other makes a big thing begin to look as big as it really is.
When David says, "I will magnify God with thanksgiving," he does not mean: "I will make a small God look bigger than he is. He means: "I will make a big God begin to look as big as he really is." We are not called to be microscopes, but telescopes. Christians are not supposed to be con-men who lie about their product so that i twill sell in the market. There is no one as great as God in this universe. And so the calling of those who love God is to make his greatness begin to look as great as it really is. You need to feel, think, and act in a way that will make God look as great as he really is.

Due to the sinful insensitivity and forgetfulness of our hearts, many of God's greatest attributes and most awesome and loving deeds pass in one ear and out the other without causing the slightest ripple of emotion within our hearts. Seeing we do not see, and hearing we do not hear. When our hearts are in such a condition, we need to beg God (like Paul did) to open the eyes of our hearts that we might know (that is, really know and feel) the hope to which he has called us, and what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe (Ephesians 1:18, 19).

Have you ever felt like me? That when God has done a good thing you may leap up with joy and hawk your child or wife or husband and say “Oh how can I forget what God is doing in my life. He is always present at all times” Then the next minute to get on doing just the opposite which God will never be glorified or pleased? This is because man is prune to forgetfulness. We quickly forget the good God is doing in our life and so we fail to thank God for the goodness. Let is be like the psalmist when he says in Psalm 77:11.
I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord; yea I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate on all thy work, and muse on thy mighty deeds. Thy way, O God, is holy. What God is great like our God?
We are called to be telescopes: people who make the greatness of God seem as great as it really is. This is what it means for a Christian to magnify God. But you can't magnify what you haven't seen or what you quickly forget. Therefore, our first task is to see and to remember the greatness and goodness of God. So we pray to God, "Open the eyes of my heart," and we preach to our souls, "Soul, forget not all his benefits!"
2)    The Response That Magnifies God: Thanksgiving
What must the human telescope do in order to cause God to appear as great as he really is? Our text in Psalm 69:30 answers: "I will magnify God with thanksgiving." When we give thanks to him from our hearts, God is magnified. Gratitude glorifies God.  
Why? Because givers are more glorious than receivers. Benefactors are more glorious than beneficiaries. When we thank God, we acknowledge and display that he is the giver; he is the benefactor. We pay him a high compliment. When children are angry with each other they do not say thank you easily. When you are angry with somebody to can not give them compliment but when you are find you can say “thank you”, I am indebted to you for the thing you have done.
Therefore, when gratitude springs up in the human heart toward God, he is magnified as the wealthy source of our blessing. He is acknowledged as giver and benefactor and therefore as glorious. And there is a very good reason that human beings by nature do not want to magnify God with thanksgiving or glorify him as their benefactor. The reason is that it detracts from their own glory, and all people by nature love their own glory more than the glory of God.

In Psalm 35:27 David says, "Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad and say forevermore, 'The Lord be magnified!"' And he contrasts this group of people who love to magnify the Lord with another group in verse 26, "Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me." There are only two groups of people in the world whose differences from each other are of any eternal significance: those who love to magnify God and those who love to magnify themselves.
How do you intend to magnify God with your thanks giving this morning? Do you really know that you were sin-sick and God the great physician healed your soul? Do you know that you were rebellious and God still loved you? Do you know that it cost God a lot to save you from your sin? Do you know that it cost Jesus His life for you to live? Do you know that even today He is still working for your good?

What then can you do to show that you are magnifying God who is your great provider (Jehovah jireh), your security, your healer (Jehovah Rapha), your Jehovah shalom (of peace) your Jehovah shamah (is always there), your Jehovah Nissi (your banner), Jehovah Raah (your shepherd), Jehovah Tsidkenu (our righteousness); Jehovah M’kaddesh (who sanctifies). He is El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty).
Will you magnify His name this morning with thanksgiving? He is my everything. My only reward!   AMEN!

Spiritual Adultery in the Church (Jeremiah 23 :9-16,28-32)

 MZBC, Douala
In Bamenda earlier this week on Tuesday 17/11/2015, I was told by my brother that there is a Muslim man in Nigeria are performing miracles in the name of Allah. That this man has tankers of water he calls Holy water which he distributes to his followers. I have also heard that some so called Christian churches pray to God without passing through Christ.
Before we enter into our text I want you to understand that “No one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ”. He is the only way! If you do not believe this; then you are not in the right place this morning. You had better carry your Bible and go home. I’m sorry, there’s no better way I can sound serious to you about Christ and the way to God. Prophet Jeremiah sounded the same when he had to correct spiritual adultery amongst the Israelites. But what is spiritual adultery or prostitution?
a)      Spiritual adultery
Adultery is defined as unfaithfulness between a married person and a person who is not their spouse. We always sing this song here in church “I am married to Jesus Satan leave me alone… My husband is coming to take me away to ever lasting life” Do you really mean it when you sing this song?
Christians these days move from one true God to a false worship in search of miracles and signs. It is not strange to find Christians today in “marabout’s” house for sorcery. Anyway, they do not need to move; because sorcery has entered the church today and that is because the itchy ears of Christians love that rather than the oracles of God. You are married to Jesus but you have concubines all over. People find you in places that are very doubtful though you claim to a child of God.
You are abandoning the legal place to the illegal. So prophet Jeremiah received a word from God concerning this adultery. The word of God was bitter, full of anger and Jeremiah was confused. His heart was broken, his bones shaking and he was behaving like a drunkard. God spoke about His holiness and how His people have forsaken Him and gone for other Gods (Baal).
Many of us today even in this church are adulterers. We came ti church every Sunday but we worship other God’s. It may be our job, our money, our family. Worst, some of us are moving from men of God to men of God. We want miracles; but we do not want the word or oracle of God. Yes, because when we listen it passes on through the other ear else we will not be prostituting men of God. Are we searching for God or for men o God?
Some of us get worried when services get long because we want the pastor to finish fast. We do not want to miss the services of prophet A or B in the evening. You are here in church but your mind is elsewhere. Why are you even here? You had better follow your prophet. Why do these prophets hold their services only in the evening? They are waiting for spiritual prostitutes to finish with their normal services before coming.
Any one can perform to you miracles if that is what you are interested in. When Moses performed in Egypt the magicians also changed their staffs into snakes. Does it mean their powers were from God? Answer for yourself. Some leaders in our churches are even those who are enticing other Christians to follow them to those so-called prophets. Ask those leaders or Deacons why they attain church where they are. Let them go to the prophets and receive the reward of those prophets.
b)     Christendom is full of adulterers vs 10
Why is it that as many prophets and bishops and apostles are increasing, trouble and curses are increasing? Just as to the Israelites, our churches are full of adulterers.
That is why many have hardship in every aspect; family, financial, spiritual or health wise. The Bible says “The pleasant places of the wilderness have dried up…”(Jer 23:10c). Those places that were pleasant to you even in your difficulties, in your wilderness, your desert are no longer pleasant to you. Ask yourself, why is it that in your difficulties you no longer go down on your knees but you run from one prophet to another.
Before then, God was your refuge but now Mr Prophet is your refuge in your widerness. You are cursed with evil for spiritual adultery. Some are sitting here with leader bags tied to their waist. Some hang them in their houses or door poste. Spiritual adultery!! God says you are cursed!  How I wish those things catch fire here in your pockets. Some of you will be shock seeing some kind of people jumping here and there because God has thundered. They can be leaders, Deacons or even pastors. It will soon happen, because God will visit them.
c)      Prophets and priest in spiritual adultery vs 11
The prophets and priests brought their idols into the temple in Jerusalem at the time of Jeremiah. It is not different today. Some of them have done just the same; and they call the name of the Lord in their selfishness. God says He has seen their wickedness; and will make their way slippery. God will surely visit them
d)     Why do these false prophets preach this? Vs 13,14
These false prophets are doing these for their selfishness and their own gain and nothing less. Never for God’s glory. They cause God’s people to commit error.  
In order to maintain their position, they preached what the adulterous people wanted to hear. They did not tell the people their wrong deeds and so they lied, strengthening evildoers. That is the same thing we find today. And God consider them like Sodom and Gomorrah. Meaning that they deserve to be judged by the mighty hand of God.
Verse 16 of Jeremiah 23 tells us not to listen to those prophets. They are making you worthless. That means you are just like the prophet you follow. If he is to be judged than God will also judge you the follower.
To the true men of God, continue to speak the word of God even I the people desert you. You will receive your faithful reward, if you remain true to the word of Jesus.
Jer 23:28 “The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream. And he who has my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? Says the LORD.”
God says He did not send those false prophets or command them. They speak of their own imagination and people who follow them follow dreams but God wants you to follow Hos word not dreams or He says in verse 29 “Is not my word like a fire?, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”  Be watchful and remain steadfast.