Wednesday, 2 December 2015

God will judge the shepherds who scatter His flock (Jeremiah 23 :1-4)

Introduction: The Old Testament talks of shepherds when referring to kings or rulers whom God has put over His people. A shepherd’s work is to tend the flock; guide them through right paths; feed them and protect them from wild beast. Today we have only Jesus Christ as the shepherd of the flock of God. Then pastors are referred to as under-shepherds; because they are to shepherd the flock under the sovereign shepherd whose rule has no end. But at the time of Jeremiah, the kings of Israel who were to lead the people in the fear of God failed, but led them astray from God to embrace idolatry.
Starting from Solomon, the kings led the people to idol gods. Why did they do that?
  1. Economic gain pushed the leaders to scatter God’s flock
The kings wanted to establish alliances for trade and economic gain. They were more concerned about their economic level than about God’s sovereignty; so they had alliances with other nations and started worshipping the idol gods of the other nations. But the elders of Israel did nothing to stop the people from the evil influences of the Kings. So like the king, the elders were also guilty.
Today in our churches we are facing similar situations. The under-shepherds no longer function under, they are more concerned about their pride, their power, their influence, and some on what they earn in return. They go too far to even split churches for their selfish interests. Pastors fighting pastors and for positions. They use their mouths to declare their condemnation. They claim they are servants but do not serve; they want to lead; and are not concern about the life of the church or Christians whom they are called to be under-shepherds. God says “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” (Jer 23:1)
These leaders have not attended to the flock of God (Jer 23:2). They attend to themselves and their stomach. The elders too have done nothing to stop this. Just as to Israel God is about to attend to them for the evil of their deeds. When you move from one association to another, there are churches like that; with leaders fighting each other at the detriment of the church. But God will gather those who remain faithful.
  1. God gathers the faithful and prospers their hands (Jer 23:3)
In this text God would gather His flock from the nations where they were scattered in the Assyrian and Babylonian captives. God will no longer allow Israel to have kings on earth. You understand that at the time of Jesus Herod was appointed King over Israel by the Romans; but he was not recognized or sanctioned by God. God would remain Israel’s only king ruling from heaven. God the father did that until when He handed all authority over to His Son (Matt 28:18).
  1. God has set His shepherd over His flock (Jer 23:4)
God has set Jesus over His children and He says we’ll fear no more and we’ll no longer lack. Daniel 7:13,14 clearly show this is Daniel’s vision. He says the son of man came with the clouds of heaven to the Ancient of days. Jesus ascended into heaven to God the Father where He is enthroned and is seated at the ruling position in the heavenly realm. Jesus is given dominion and glory and sovereignty over all the nations and peoples. His dominion is everlasting and His sovereignty will not be destroyed.
Are you an elder who is not concerned about the unity of the church and the growth of God’s kingdom? Are you a leader who is only concerned about yourself and what you will receive from serving God or serving in the church? Are you a Christian who only think of yourself, your family or tribe? You may be visited as God promised the shepherds who scattered His flock. The overall shepherd of the flock is still alive and is seated at the ruling position in heaven. God saw that we were lost, scattered all over because there was no one to lead us. Then He sent His son, the shepherd of the flock to gather us even by shading His blood on the cross of calvary. He ascended in the clouds to the ancient of days where all authority in heaven and on earth is given to Him.
You may not see that everything is subjected to Jesus because Satan and his host are continually disobedient. However, when He comes again, it will be seen clearly that everything is under His control when He brings judgment upon all who opposed Him. My plead is for you to re-examine yourself and see if you are leading a life which when He comes, He can call you faithful servant. If you are truly a Holy priesthood, a child called to show the light of Jesus to the world, then you’ll love the unity of His church.
I want you to bow down your head and pray for yourself. Rededicate your life to serve Jesus and not yourself or family or tribe. Not to hold on to your economic gain at the expense of the church of God. Ask God to forgive your foolishness and be determined to do His will. Shalom!

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