Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Before you seek a wife, talk with God first and seek His counsel

Bible Reading: Jan 9: Gen 23-24; Matt 7

Sarah died and the children of Heth were willing to offer a burial place free of charge to Abraham. Abraham would not allow this for the respect he has for his wife Sarah and his integrity. He purchased and took possession of the piece of land that was his for his own lifetime. Dominion is not founded in grace. The longest life must shortly come to a close. Blessed be God that there is a world where sin, death, vanity, and vexation cannot enter.
Abraham made Eliezer to swear that he will not take a wife for his son from the Canaanites. Eliezer’s mission was filled with the providential actions of God. Eliezer prayed at the well that God do the rest. He tested the servant nature of Rebekah which was revealed in that she drew water for Eliezer and all his camels. When Eliezer heard that she was from the house of Nahor, he immediately worshipped god for bringing to pass all that had transpired. So he knew his encounter with Rebekah was not a coincidence but work of God. Eliezer had his faith in God and remained alert to the work of God in his life reason why he prayed for his mission. Today most youths go out in search for a wife or husband without asking God’s counsel and they end up in marriages that were not God ordained. The event took place so fast for Rebekah’s relatives that they found it difficult to send Rebekah away though they knew it was the hand of God as Eliezer rehearsed his encounter. Isaac came from far south, the Negev as Rebekah came from the far north, land of Nahor and they met in the middle of the Promised Land.
To have servants like Eliezer with piety, faithfulness, prudence, and affection is a blessing from God just as to live in such a family. So we must highly value that and thankfully acknowledge God for that. Marriage is very important and must be done with much care and prudence, in reference to God’s will and with prayer for his direction and blessing. When the parents’ concern is not considered, do not expect God’s blessing. Parents should also consider the welfare of the souls of their children, and their furtherance in the way to heaven. Eliezer seeks God’s concern and also checks on the character as he tests. She should be simple, industrious, humble, cheerful, serviceable, and hospitable. Eliezer the servant of Abraham did not go to places of amusement and sinful pleasure to find a wife for his master. But he went to the well of water and prayed for God’s way in his mission. When Rebekah filled the pitcher, she came up to go home; she did not stand to gaze at the stranger and his camels, but minded her business. She only stopped to attend to the man who begged for help and so she could only do good by giving water to drink and drawing water for his camels. She did not enter into any curious discourse with him, but answered him modestly. When he knew about her family he thanked the Lord in Rebekah’s hearing. Abraham’s servant did not also linger around but faithful to his duty and so hurried to go back to his master with the wife. The parent of Rebekah also asked for the consent of Rebekah who decided to go at once. Isaac also went to a solitary place for meditation and prayer while Eliezer was on the mission. Holy souls love retirements if rightly employed. The two (Isaac and Rebekah) were affectionate to one another when they met. They were not hypocritical about their feelings for one another.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus teaches against the legalistic judging that was exercised by the Pharisees. Because of their self-righteousness, they were critical to others who did not agree with them on every point of their systematic theology. The problem was not who is right and who is wrong (Gal 6:1). We must always look at others with an attitude of love (Jn 7:24; Ro 2:1;14:3,4,10,13; 1Cor 4:3-5; Jms 4:11,12). We need to consider others with grace and generosity. Jesus says they should remove the beam from their own eyes so that they can see well to judge others. To correctly evaluate others, you must first recognize your own sinful state (Ro 2:21-23, Gal 6:1). You must live your life by the same standard by which you look at others.
In verse 6 of Mtt 7 he says “do not give what is holy to the dogs.” Ruthless and hard-hearted people cannot receive the precious truths of love and mercy. They will mock at you when you preach to them. In contrast to the self-righteous hearts of dogs who continually reject all righteousness, the humble heart must intensify their dependence on God by asking, seeking and knocking. God will provide (Mk 11:24;Lk 11:9-13;18:1-8; Jn 14:13;15:7). When you ask God will answer. How and when He answers is His choice and He will always give us good things not a stone or snake, though His answer may not be what we expect but they are his wise answers. God gives the Holy spirit to those who ask (Lk 11:13).
Jesus also teaches on the golden rule to do to others what you’ll want them to do to you (Lk 6:31). Few will enter the gate of heaven which is narrow because it requires humility, combined with suffering and persecution (Act 14:22). Many will enter the wide gate to condemnation since it is the way of indifference, self-righteousness, laziness and hypocrisy. So most people who live upon the face of the earth will choose not to obey God and will be lost.
Jesus now warns against false prophets who will mislead sincere seekers with their self-righteousness and legalistic religiosity. They come in sheep’s clothing because the religious community recognizes them, while their true nature show self-dependence and so do not seek the grace of God. You shall know them by their fruits because what they speak do not match their moral life (Mk 7:6-9). So false prophets are identified more by their behavior not by their teachings. It is the responsibility of Christians to judge the fruits of one’s teaching by the word of God. So those who legally seek God according to their works will not see the kingdom of God. They perform the right deeds, but their hearts were arrogant and self-righteous. So we must do the words of Christ by seeking the grace of God, and being careful that we do not depend on our own performance of the law and good works as the only condition for our salvation. We obey the words of Jesus because of God’s love (Ro 3:31; 1 Cor 15:10; 1Jn 4:19) not to justify ourselves before God. Jesus spoke with authority because he did not depend on the law or teachings of religious leaders. He was original and spoke like that because He was the son of God. He spoke as the son would speak with divine authority.

Prayer: Great lord, I thank you for your faithfulness. You never abandon us and you are always there when we seek you, you answer us when we ask you Lord. Holy Spirit of God, come and take your place at the throne of our hearts. Reign and lead us that we may not falter. Guide our young children even in their search for life partners that they will do it in the Lord. Teach the parents to seek the spiritual welfare of their children in every decision they make Lord. Have your way in our lives. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Repentance and restitution brings restoration in our life

Bible Reading: Jan 8: Gen 20-22; Matt 6:19-34

Abraham had not learn a lesson from Egypt and now in Gerar he still announces that his wife Sarah is his sister. Abimelech the king of Gerar took Sarah again to make her his wife. I can imagine Sarah’s beauty at the age that was beyond child bearing that king Abimelech will still sort for her. Remember Sarah wondered if she will still have pleasure (Gen 18:11-12) and if Abraham will do same. When God’s love touches your marriage you’ll have pleasure all your life; and your beauty becomes unnatural. This time God came to Abimelech not to Abraham and kept him from touching Sarah hence save from God’s judgment. Abimelech did what a righteous man would do and restored Sarah to Abraham and a thousand pieces of silver. Sarah was rebuked in the sense that Abimelech said she should never be ashamed to state that Abraham was her husband.
Crooked policies will not prosper but it brings us and others into danger. Abimelech would have died of his sin but he pleaded ignorance. God’s mercy on him stoped him from commiting sin. Abimelech repented and made restitution to be saved from the curse. Abraham threw temptations in the way of others, caused them affliction and exposed Sarah and him to rebuke. They are written so that we should not copy. We should not condemn people as hypocrites just when they fall into sin, if they do not continue in it. Agreements to deceive end up in shame and sorrow. We see how Abraham the man of faith was rebuked with his wife. Let the impenitent take heed that they do not sin on, thinking that grace may abound.
Sarah conceived when the time came as God promised. No one could doubt that this was a miracle of God. So Isaac was born to continue the seed line of Abraham and the coming savior of the world. Ishmael started mocking at Isaac when he was weaned, so Sarah proposed that Abraham should send him and his mother away. God asked him to listen to his wife because the posterity of Abraham would be continued through Isaac, not Ishmael. In the desert when the water was gone Hagar was assured by God that she and the child would not die, for a great nation would come from Ishmael.
In chapter 21 Abimelech requested Abraham to swear to him. Perhaps he still remembered how he was previously deceived by Abraham in chapter 20. Isaac was like a type of Christ. He was born at the appointed time. Isaac brought laughter in their house. When the sun of comfort rises upon your soul, remember how you were in the dark. God does to us things we would not expect. When we deserve ill, He gives us comfort. Who would have said that God should sand His son to die for us, His spirit to make us holy, His angels to attend to us, or that such great sin be pardoned? God notices what children say and do in their play; and will reckon with them, if they say or do amiss, though their parents do not. Ishmael mocked Isaac and mocking is a sin which is provoking to God. This was the wound that they caused on themselves. There is a well of water beside Hagar and Ishmael in the desert but they are not aware till the God that opened their eyes to see their wound, opens them to see their remedy. Their wounds come from their misbehavior with Abraham and so will not stay to corrupt the promise seed.
In chapter 22 we hear that God tested Abraham. In some translations, there is an error which says he was tempted. God will not tempt Abraham so sin. In the Hebrew word it is nissah which means to test or put on trial. God does not tempt men to sin (James 1:13) So He was testing Abraham’s faith. Surely Abraham had no sleepless night because he left early in the morning to execute God’s command. Abraham told no one about what was transpiring. Though Abraham had no previous experience of resurrection, he trusted that God will resurrect the body he would put to death reason why he told the servants, “we will come again” (Gen 22:5; Heb 11:17-19). The son Isaac asked “where is the lamb” and Abraham answered “God will provide”. His faith moved him to the point of trusting that God will provide in the last minute. So he did for us in Jesus. God allowed this to the point where Abraham raised his arms with the knife to give a final blow to his only son’s life. I imagine the tension that was in Abraham and Isaac and what was going on in their minds. Then God’s word came “Do not lay your hand upon the lad”. He did not withhold his son, his only son from God and so god confirmed his faith. Moses wanted the Israelites to remember this as he wrote because there was going to be a time when an only son would be sacrificed for the sins of all humanity. It is by this work that Abraham was justified (James 2:21). Surely Satan was rejoicing in the pit of hell when god asked Abraham to terminate his son the seed line of the promise. But the promise remained “In your seed will all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen 12:3).
We can see the seriousness of this testing.
1.    God asked Abraham to take his son, not his lambs which he could have emptied all to God so easily. His son no his servant, the only son by Sarah and the son whom he loves.
2.    God tells him to go to a place that is 3 days journey so that Abraham will have time to consider and obey deliberately.
3.    Abraham was not only to kill his son, but to offer him as a burnt-offering. Can you imagine? That means he was to kill his son as a sacrifice, with all the solemn splendor and ceremony, with which he used to offer his burnt-offering.
But faith had taught Abraham not to argue but to obey. What God commands is good, and what God promises cannot be broken. Abraham knew this.
But as Abraham moves with his son, Isaac said “My father” (Gen 22:7). This word which could melt a heart will strike deeper in the heart of Abraham than his knife could in the heart of Isaac. But he waits for his son’s question. Abraham prophesied without knowing after the question. “My son, God will provide a lamb for a burnt-offering.” (Gen 22:8) Here the Holy spirit is predicting the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Abraham did not says a lamb for the burnt-offering, but “for a burnt-offering”. Now God will not in any case have human sacrifices used. The sacrifice has already been provided through Christ and his death was our discharge.
This same Jesus teaches us to focus our heart in heaven for Which he bout us for our salvation. He asked us to put our treasures in heaven. By concentrating on the things that are above this earth, one places earthly things in their right perspective. The crown of heaven is waiting those who have forsaken earthly treasures (2 Tim 4:8). In verse 19 of Matthew 6 he contrasts physical things of the world with eternal, spiritual things that cannot be destroyed. If our view is focus on that which is good our life will be full of light. One cannot trust in his self-sufficiency of the things of the world and at the same time totally trust in God. A man may do some service to two masters, but he can devote himself to the service of only one. God requires the whole heart, and will not share it with the world.
He goes on to teach that we should not be worried about the things of this world. Life does not consist in the things we possess. Jesus makes it clear that anxiety or worries of the things of this world often ensnares the poor as much as the love of wealth does to the rich. The point is that one must trust in God, not in one’s own self-sufficiency. Do not think of it, not even the comforts of this life, but leave it to God to make it bitter or sweet as he pleases. As we must not boast of tomorrow, so we must not care for tomorrow, or the events of it. Thoughtfulness of our souls is the best cure of thoughtfulness for the world. Seek first the kingdom of God. God’s righteousness comes through our submission to His will. Seeking the kingdom of God, therefore, must always be first. God will take care of those who seek Him first.
When Jesus says do not worry, he is not condemning our planning for the future. He is encouraging us not to overly concern about the future. Worry works against faith (James 1:6). We must consider through faith that all things work together for good of those who love God (Ro 8:28). We must work by faith (2 Cor 5:17). The more we walk by faith, the less worry we have in our lives.

Prayer: Mighty and everlasting Father, I thank you for your word that is reminding us to put our mind focused on heavenly things that we may not fall. Thank you for reminding us that you care for us and will never forsake us. Holy Spirit, teach us to continuously seek God’s word and live by it for our transformation. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

God shows mercy to those who seek, but if you think that you are standing firm, be careful lest you fall

Bible Reading: Jan 7: Gen 18-19; Matt 6:1-18

When Abraham saw the three men who visited him in the plains of Mamre, he immediately recognized that they were divine messengers, reason why he bowed himself toward the ground. When God told Abraham that in a year they’ll have a son Sarah laughed as she thought of her age and that of Abraham. For her and humanly speaking it was impossible, but with God, nothing is impossible. When men come to the point of human impossibility, God’s grace is manifested (Rom 9:6-13). The second reason why God came was to save Lot from the destruction of the wicked cities. Since Abraham and his descendants were chosen from the world to bring the messiah into the world, God revealed the destruction of the cities to Abraham. This was also to give Abraham the opportunity to intercede. His posterity would do righteousness and justice in conformity to God’s standard. This destruction was also an illustration of what god will do to those who rebel against His will (2 Pet 2:6; Jd 7). Abraham for lack of knowledge about the moral condition of Sodom and Gomorrah pleaded with God. God will spare the unrighteous for the sake of the righteous. But when the unrighteous no longer provide a safe dwelling for the righteous, then God brings judgment.
Notice that when Abraham was asked “where is Sarah your wife”, the answer was immediate. She was in the right place doing her duty; in the house preparing to attend to the visitors with food. Those ready to receive God’s comfort and promises are always in the proper places doing their duty, just like the shepherds who watch their flocks by night (lk 2:8). The laughter of Abraham and Sarah were different. Abraham’s laughter was that which came out of faith while that of Sarah from unbelief; that is why the one who sees the heart knew and rebuked Sarah. But whom the lord loves He will rebuke, convict, silence, and bring to repentance, if they sin before Him.
In chapter 19, we see that two of the visitors are now referred to as angels. Lot pleaded with them to stay in his house because he assumed they did not know the immoral situation of the city. Sodom and Gomorrah were not only immoral, but they were cities of crime and violence. The people of the city both young and old men surrounded Lot’s house before they go to bed. The degradation of the old was transferred to the young and we see no hope for moral regeneration. They wanted to have homosexual relations with the strangers. That is why for human posterity, sodomy is defined as illicit sexual promiscuity. Does giving his two daughters to these men make him sinless? I think no, but lot surely realized that these men were messengers from God, so he surely knew that violating messengers of God will bring eternal consequence to them, and so wickedness against his daughters would be mild for him. When they broke the door it was beyond Lot’s control, hence deity intervene and brought blindness to the perpetrators, causing confusion, and so the pronouncement of judgment was confirmed upon the city. Lot’s appeal to the sons-in-laws and relatives was rejected because they were caught up in the wickedness of the city. Lot did not still see the urgency until the angels drag him forcefully from the city. When a society digress to the moral level that characterizes Sodom and Gomorrah, it is time to take ones family and flee. It is better to live in the mountains than in the wickedness of Sodom. Zoar was saved because Lot pleaded and went with is family there, for fear that evil will befall him before he reaches the mountains. Note that other cities in the valley such as Siddin, Zeboim and Admaj (Gen 10:19;14:2,8, Dt 29:23, Hos 11:8) were also destroyed. Lot’s wife reaped the judgment of god when she looked back on Sodom.
At the great distance from Mamre, Abraham witnessed the great smoke from Sodom. After this Lot went to the mountains with his daughters. He surely have realized that even Zoar was plagued with wickedness. The two daughters who assumed they were the only survivors made a scheme and committed incest with their father who was a victim of his drunkenness. The outcome were children who became the Moabites and the Ammorites.
Lot who kept chaste in Sodom, mourning for the wickedness, and a witness against it, when in the mountains and thinking he was out of temptation was overtaken by it shamefully through his daughters. Let him who thinks he stands high, take heed lest he falls. Drunkenness let him to many sins and lasting wound and dishonor.
Our Lord in Matthew 6:1-18 continued teaching on the deeds of righteousness so that we may be steadfast and do not fall. We should not do good because we want people to see and praise us, but that we should have an inward principle so that we may be approved by God. When we give alms, we should be careful not to fall into subtle sin, vain-glory and so will not receive any reward God promises to those who do good. Jesus goes on to condemn hypocrisy in prayer; those who pray in public to be seen by men. He does not condemn public prayer but the motive. He now taught them how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is a model of several things to be mentioned in prayer. It’s not a word system that is to be repeated as a prayer (lk 11:1). He clearly says in Mt 6:9 “Therefore after this manner pray:” we pray to the Father (Ro 8:14-16) who is in heaven. You must hallow or reverence and honor the Father (Ex 20:7). The disciples were to pray that men accept the kingdom reign of Jesus in the sense that the will of the father be done on earth as it is done in heaven. The kingdom reign of Jesus had not yet come at this time (Mt 16:18,19). The kingdom reign is within one as he or she submits to the will of the Father (lk 17:20,21). The kingdom comes when the will of God is done in the hearts of men and women on earth as it is done in heaven. We must also have a spirit of forgiveness to be forgiven by God (Mt 6:14,15; 18:21-35; Mk 11:25,26; col 3:13; Jms 2:13). We should also pray that God should keep us from being tempted beyond that which we are able to bear (lk 21:36; Jn 17:15; 1Cor 10:13; 2 Thes 3:3; 2Tim 4:18); because God does not tempt man (Jms 1:13).
Now Jesus moves on again “when you fast,”. He did not say if you fast, because fasting is a practice of the disciples of Jesus; it is a natural response to those who recognize the Lordship of Jesus. In fasting one calls on God to respond to his pleas for help. It is abstinence from food or water in order to call on God to respond to one’s requests (Dt 9:17-19; 2Sam 12:16,21; Zech 8:19). In fasting one focuses his mind on spiritual needs of the inner man as to physical needs. It is not a command but what Christians do because of the absence of the bridegroom (Mt 9:14,15; Act 13:1-3). Jesus teaches that we should not fast to be seen by men. The purpose of fasting therefore is to inwardly humble oneself before God in his life (Mt 17:21; Mk 9:29; Lk 2:36,37; 1Cor 7:5; 2Cor 6:5;11:27)

Prayer: our Father in heaven, I worship you oh creator of the universe. Lord you showed your justice and mighty power in the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah but you saved even lot because his heart was still with you. In your mercy, your son came and taught us how to live kingdom lives here on earth. Who is compared with you Lord? None. Help us to live according to your will in Jesus name. Amen 

More is expected of those whom God calls

Bible Reading: Jan 6: Gen 16-17; Matt 5:27-48

In this text we see Sarah, with the consent of Abraham, who sought to work out the fulfillment of the promise through their own ingenuity. Hagar became arrogant toward Sarah and she became bitter and abusive toward Hagar; so she dealt harshly with Hagar so that she will flee out of her own volition. When they took this decision, they did not ask counsel of the Lord; they forgot the almighty power of God. Passionate people at times lay blames on others, for things which they are to blame. Sarah gave her maid to Abraham, yet she cries out, my wrong be upon you. Hagar too had to bear her suffering patiently because she was the first to provoke her mistress (1 Pet 2:20). The Angel of the Lord told Hagar to return to Sarah after she fled, and also to submit to her. If she did that, her son Ishmael will make a great nation. Hagar obeyed and bravely return to the house of Abraham and submitted to her mistress, Sarah. Some people run from the Christian or God fearing homes into sin just like Hagar. The question she received from the angel could come from our conscience or by providence. “Where have you come? And where will you go?” Are you running from the blessing you received from Abraham’s home to the idol worship of Egypt? Knowing who we are and where we come may teach us our duty. Considering where we’ll go, discovers our danger and misery. Note the declaration of the angel; “I will,” shows this Angel was the eternal word and son of God. She returned and by her behavior softened Sarah, and received more gentle treatment from Sarah.
God now makes a covenant with Abraham, and his generations. The time limitation for the covenant was until the generations of Israel ended, which they did in Christ (Gal 3:26-29). So the “everlasting covenant” was “everlasting” only until its fulfillment. The covenant was terminated when it was fulfilled. So “everlasting” here does not mean “without end”; but to the time of existence until the intended point of completion. The same is true of the everlasting possession whose fulfillment was at its purpose of preserving Israel at the coming of the messiah. So is the completion of their right to the land. The sign (token) of this covenant was circumcision which Abraham and all who were in his house were to take. If one refused circumcision, he was cut off from the promises of the covenant (Ro 2:28,29). Even Ishmael was circumcised. The outward sign is for the visible church; the inward seal of the spirit which is known only by God, is peculiar to those whom God knows to be believers. When god steps into our lives He changes everything. He changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah; as they received the promise. Abraham circumcised his house hold the same day. When you receive god’s command, there is no time to delay. Abraham showed great joy; he laughed when god gave him the promise because he was delighted, not of distrust. So Abraham rejoiced to see Christ’s day; now he saw it and was glad (John 8:56).Jesus said this to the Jews as he taught them.
In Mt 5:27, he also addressed the wrong interpretation of the Jews on adultery. The old Testament penalty for adultery was death by stoning (Lv 20:10; Dt 22:22-27). Jesus address the heart again. He does not condemn the look of admiration and affection, but the lustful look with the intent to commit an adulterous sexual act (Jb 31:1; Pv 6:25; Gal 5:16; 1Pet 2:11). He goes on to give vivid illustrations to control the lust of the flesh at all cost. Jesus also addressed them on marriage knowing that they are under a different covenant, but divorcing for many reasons as in the days of Moses. He says marriage to one who is unjustly put away by divorce is marriage to an adulterated person and it’s same for marriage with one with whom a marriage contract has been broken. He makes it clear that the only valid cause for divorce among those who are in covenant relationship with God is fornication.
Making oaths is for degenerate people who are dishonest and cannot keep their words. So he wants Christians to live such a character of life that whatever the Christian says should be understood as truth (James 5:12). If he makes promises, it should be assumed that he will keep his promise. Marriage vows are not oaths, but commitments or engagements. Swearing in courts of justice by God’s word or His name is not called for. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. addressing the law of retaliation, Jesus made them know they have to suffer any injury that can be born, for the sake of peace, committing your concerns to the Lord’s keeping. Christians must avoid disputing and striving. About neighbors he says we must do all the real kindness we can to all, especially to their souls. Not only to neighbors as of Jewish concept; which was understood as country men, those of the nation and religion, whom they were pleased to look upon as their friends. We must pray for all and render good for evil. We must study to conform ourselves to the example of our heavenly Father (1 Pet 1:15,16).

Prayer: our heavenly Father, I thank you because you’ll never abandon me or leave me. You expect more from us, but you always accompany us so that we do not fall. Sustainer of my life, I worship you and pray that you make yourself known to those you have chosen that they may rejoice in being and living in your presence. Have your way in my life Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

God is faithful in His promises even through His promised son Jesus Christ

Bible Reading: Jan 5: Gen 13-15; Matt 5:1-26

We learn that Abraham was made very rich by God with livestock, gold and silver (Gen 13:2). But Canaan was just recovering from the drought and could not support the tremendous herds of Abraham and Lot, reason why there was strife between their herdsmen. As a man of God, Abraham did not want any strife between the two families as they were all brethrens. He did not choose where to go, but he allowed Lot his nephew to choose the best for himself. Lot chosed the best place for his animals (the plain of Jordan) but it was not the best for his family, because of the corruption in the cities of the plain. Even though Lot pitched his tents in the plains, away from the wicked of the city, we realize the next time that Lot is found in the heart of the city of Sodom; in a culture of wickedness. Why did he go close to wickedness, thinking his own will not be corrupted? When we get close to sin, we finally find ourselves in the heart of sin. No wonder the Bible tells us to flee from sin, be separate from them. I hear some youths who say we go to the night club just to relax; we do not do what others do there. Sooner, they are found in the heart of the evil activities. God renewed His promise to Abraham after Lot’s departure. God said, “Go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you (Gen 12:1). But Abraham left with his relative Lot. I see why God renewed His promise only when they separated. The promise was for Abraham not his relatives. Lot may be representing old habits, old life, the things we’ve been used to. We do not want to abandon them. Who is your Lot? What is your Lot, which you are not ready to let go? If you do not let it go, God will not enter with His promise in your life. Your Lot maybe anger, bitterness, jealousy, fornication, envy, etc. Are you willing to let go, or you prefer to tell them where to go for a while not for good?
You’ll notice that the Hebrew word for very rich is very heavy. In my dialect; Limbum it is also expressed in the same way. We’ll say “His pockets are heavy”. So riches are a burden; burden of care in getting riches, fear in keeping them, temptation in using them, guilt in abusing them, sorrow in losing them, and  burden of account at last to be given up about the riches. Yet God in His providence sometimes make good men rich men. When Abraham and Lot were wandering in poverty, nothing separated them, but when riches came, it did. Also bad servants often make a great deal of mischief in families, by their pride and passion, lying, slandering, and tale bearing. As this happened, Abraham gave Lot the choice though he was the elder and the great man, but he showed that he had the command of his passion, and could turn away wrath by a soft answer.
Now the fore kings of the north made an alliance and attacked Sodom, taking Lot and his own as captives too. Abraham raised up an army of 318 soldiers to rescue Lot. He takes this opportunity to proof his friendship to Lot though they had separated. We ought to be ready to succor those in distress, especially relations and friends. Though others may have been wanting in their duty to us, yet we must not neglect our duty to them. As we have opportunity, we must do good to all.
Melchizedek, King of Salem (Jerusalem), and priest of the Most high God who has no genealogy, but resembling the son of God came and broke bread and wine with Abraham. He blessed God from Abraham and blessed Abraham from God. We need to give thanks for other’s mercies as for our own. This is seen in Jesus, our great High priest who is mediator both of our prayers and praises. He not only offers up ours, but his own for us. Though Abraham gave a tenth to Melchizedek, he did not accept the goods from the king of Sodom though it was a right as Abraham was the winner of the war. So Abraham did not want any riches from the wicked Sodom, so that it’ll not be said that God’s promise for riches could not have come without the spoils of Sodom. People of God must, for their credit’s sake, take heed of doing anything that looks mean or mercenary or that looks self-seeking. Abraham can trust the God of heaven and earth to provide for him.
God knew that Abraham was afraid of the promise especially that the hurrian law at that time will allow him to give his inheritance but to Eliezer his servant. So God assured him of his safety. God gave Abraham an express promise of a son. God revealed the future to Abraham in a deep sleep:
1.    Abraham’s seed shall be strangers in a foreign land (400 years in Egypt). The heirs of heaven are strangers on earth.
2.    God will judge the enemies of Abraham’s seed. God will judge Egypt and also the Canaanites when their iniquity would have been complete (Gen 16:16). God may allow persecutors and oppressors to trample upon his people for a while, but He’ll surely reckon with them at last.
3.    God promises to deliver Abraham’s seed after they have been oppressed in Egypt.
4.    God also reveals the happy settlement in Canaan after all these.
God made a covenant with Abraham by sacrifice to seal His promise. He provided the smoking firepot and burning lamp over the pieces. God’s covenant with man is by sacrifice (Psalms 50:5); and we know He accepts it if He kindles in our souls pious and devout affection.
Jesus in Mattew chapter 5 now teaches us how to live the kingdom life that has come to us. The beatitudes here was taught on the mount. I think Luke’s account in luke 16:17-49 referred to as the sermon in the plain should be the same teaching in another location with another audience though that instance presents the same teaching of our Lord. It will be unlikely that Jesus will teach such important truth just in one instance. Jesus tells us about those who are blessed from verse 3 to 12 of matthew 5. He gives warnings and exhortations in verses 13-16 and about the law from verse 17, confronting the false traditional teachings at the time.
The poor in spirit are happy because only those who recognize their low condition can seek after a redeemer. The kingdom of grace and glory is for them. Happy are those who mourn, because godly sorrow works true repentance as they accept the mercy of God in Jesus, with constant seeking of the Holy Spirit to cleanse them from evil. They shall be comforted by their God. The meek are happy because when they mourn, they become mild, gentle, lowly and unselfish in character. Meekness promotes wealth, comfort and safety, even in this world so they will inherit the earth. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be satisfied from God by His grace. They seek knowledge of God through His word. The merciful are happy because those who recognize their own spiritual poverty are merciful to others, they relieve the suffering of others because of what God has done to them in relation to their sin. Their mercy will reap mercy from God (Mt 18:35, lk 6:37). The pure in heart will understand the pure nature of God (Hb11:27, Jn 14:9). They shall see God because heaven would not be happy to the impure. Those who recognize their own sinfulness will seek peace of mind with others (Pv 11:13,Gal 6:1;2 Tim 2:22-26), so peacemakers are sons of God as they portray the spirit of God in this. Happy are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Though there is nothing in our sufferings that can merit of God; God will provide that those who lose for Him, shall not lose by Him in the end. Rejoice because it’s the attitude of those who truly understand the inner nature of the Christian life.
Christians are like salt with their godly characters to preserve society from moral decay. Those who profess Christ, cannot remain graceless, else no other doctrine or means can make them profitable. Our light must shine so that our good works are seen by men. But what is between God and our souls, must be kept to ourselves; and that which is of itself open to the sight of men. We must aim at God’s glory.
Jesus notes that he came to fulfill the law. Fulfillment of the law meant the end of the law. He was not saying that the law was to continue, but to teach that the law would end when its purpose was fulfilled. The law was to end when the messiah comes (Col 2:14-16, Hb 10:9, Jer 31:31-33). Christ’s disciples cannot disobey the holy law of God, or teach disobedience of it regardless of who they are in society else they are not true disciples. Christ’s righteousness which is given to us by faith alone, is needed by all who enter the kingdom of grace or of glory, and this produces a thorough change in a man’s temper and conduct.
Jesus went on to correct the corrupt interpretation of the law by the teachers at his time. You will not murder (Ex 20:13, Dt 5:17) was corrupted by the people. While Ex 21:12 says the punishment is death, the Jewish religious leaders at Jesus’ day corrupted the application by saying they had to be brought to judgment. Jesus made them know how serious this is and make them know that all rash anger is heart murder and has to be punished by 3 stages: the judgment, the council, and finally the destruction of hell (Mt 10:28). So Jesus was seeking to correct the heart that causes the outward crimes. He makes it known that reconciling with one another is necessary before we can worship. We cannot worship the God of mercy and love by harboring a heart of hate that shows no mercy. We are unfit for communion with god in holy ordinances without reconciliation with others and God. While we are alive, we are in the way to his judgment-seat; after death, it will be too late. Jesus puts responsibility of reconciling on the shoulder of the offending party here. But in Mt 18:15-17,23-35 it is on the offended party (mt 6:14,15).

Prayer: Mighty and great God, I glorify your name for you are faithful in your promises. When you say you have blessed, no one can curse. When you say you have prospered no one can stop it Lord. Rekindle your word in our hearts that we may live the kingdom life here on earth as we prepare to meet you Father. How can we say we love you when we keep people in our hearts, we lack love for one another and we do evil in many forms. Father, I know we cannot do it on our own but by your grace. Help that we may stand and walk in your likeness, that this world may feel the salt and be preserve for your own glory Lord. Give us courage in times of discouragement and boldness when we are frightened. Father, your presence is sufficient in our lives. Thank you lord, for in Jesus name I pray. Amen

Monday, 9 January 2017

Thriving in this world does not necessary explain God’s blessings, but God’s promises are true and must come to happen.

From the three sons of Noah the whole world became populated. The Bible preserved only the line that leads to the Messiah as we see in this genealogy. Nimrod from the line of Ham became mighty in the earth and Lord it over his neighbours. This was the spirit of the giants before the flood (Gen 6:4), revived in him. Being a great hunter over the beasts he surely used his courage to command others and to force others to submit. He was a great builder with ambition. Nimrod’s name signifies rebellion; tyrants to men are rebels to God. Canaan was under Divine curse. Those under God’s curse, may thrive and prosper in this world, but God’s curse is always sure and terrible. So we cannot know God’s curse by what is before us but by what is within us. It may be a curse to the soul, secret curse, or a slow curse, but sinners are reserved by it for a day of wrath. So Canaan has a better land than Shem or Japheth, yet they have a better part because they inherit the blessing. Abraham and his seed descended from Eber from where the Hebrews originate.

After the flood God asked Noah and his family to multiply and repopulate the entire world. They had to spread over the whole world. But they decided to stay together because of their language and make a name for themselves. Reason why they build the tower of Babel. So God confused their language so that they could not communicate their ambitions or dreams; so they set out across the world in obedience to the original plan of God. We are reminded that all genealogies before the birth of the seed (Gal 3:16) were meant to bring our attention to the fulfilment of God’s promise that from the seed of woman (Gen 3:15), Satan’s head would be crushed.

Even during Noah’s life-time after the flood, wickedness increases. Nothing but the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit can remove the sinful lusts of the human will, and the depravity of the human heart. We get the genealogy from Eber to Abraham. Nahor, from whose family Isaac and Jacob had their wives and Haran who died before their father Terah were Abraham’s brothers. Like Haran, children cannot be sure they will outlive their parents. Abraham departed out of Ur with his father Terah and nephew Lot in obedience to God’s call and they settled in Haran. But Haran, Abraham’s brother died in Ur. It is good to hasten out of our natural state, lest death surprise us in it.

Abraham was first called by God while he lived in Ur of the Chaldees (Act 7:3; Hb 11:8). This may be why Terah his father moved the entire family toward Canaan. Because of Sarah’s beauty, Abraham conceived a plan to spare his life in view of the lust of the Egyptians for beautiful women as he had to enter Egypt to feed the people and animals with him out of drought in Canaan. So he instructed and Sarah lied about her being his wife. But Sarah was his half-sister (daughter of one of Terah’s wives; Gen 20:12). It was half-truth, but a total falsehood.

The call God gives to Abraham to leave his relatives will also test his faith. Those who leave their sin and turn to God always receive unspeakable gain by the change. This is the same as the gospel call, for natural affection must give way to Divine grace. We must forsake sin and bad company. God promised Abraham great things if he remains obedient just as He does to us today. God said I will make you a great nation, your name will be great, I will bless you and you shall be a blessing, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and in you Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Despite these great promises, Abraham still fell in trusting God else he would not have lied about Sarah, causing Sarah and Pharaoh to almost sin.

Jesus Christ is the blessing of the world. We see His ministry starting from the desert. When God starts great movements, His messengers are called to the desert. Moses, John the Baptist, Paul and Jesus are examples. It was God’s will that Jesus be tempted in various ways as those he would save (Hb 4:15). The 40 days of fasting of Jesus will begin his temptations which will not cease till his ministry on earth. In the same way that Satan tempted Eve in the garden of Eden (Gen 3), he does to Jesus. Tempting Him after the lust of the eyes and flesh, and the pride of life (1Jn 2:16). Jesus did not yield to these even though he was at a most vulnerable situation. He answered all temptations with “It is written”, setting us an example to use what is written in scriptures each time we face temptations. He took Jesus to a high place to tempt Jesus to pride and presumption. All high places are slippery places, advancements in the world makes a man a mark for Satan to shoot his fiery darts at. He also tempted Jesus to idolatry. The glory of the world is the most charming temptation to the unthinking and unwary. If we resist the devil he will flee from us. But the soul that deliberates is almost overcome. Angels came and ministered to the physical needs of Jesus after the fasting and temptations. We should trust God is always with us in every difficulty and that he will meet our needs if we remain faithful.

Jesus moves to Galilee. He does not stay where he is not wanted. When he is needed he brings light that brightens the dark places and lives. Not only the austere John the Baptist, but the gracious Jesus preached repentance. As Christ preached he gathered disciples who would listen as students and afterwards be preachers of his doctrine. He chosed fisher men and tax collectors, he did not go to the theological men of the temple. He chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. We need to ask the questions, Am I in Christ? Am I in my calling? They followed Christ as disciples (Jn 1:37), now they must leave their calling; and live God’s calling for their lives.

He confirmed His mission with healing as He preached. He healed every sickness or disease; none was too bad; none too hard, for Christ to heal with a word. Sin is the sickness of the soul. Christ came to take away sin, and so to heal the soul.

Prayer: Our Father, who is in the heavens, mighty healer and sustainer of our lives. God, you are our security. I thank you for the opportunity you’ve given us to come back to you Jesus our Lord. Thanks for the promises of blessings to those who continue in obedience to your command. Your word is true Lord. Thank you Father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Jesus the Ark of our salvation manifested in Noah

After about one hundred years when God commanded Noah to build the ark He now tells Noah and his family to enter the ark. Throughout this time, Noah preached the righteousness of God while building on the ark (1 Pt 3:18-20). I wonder the kind and degree of mocking Noah had to endure when he spoke about a global flood that would come. He was surely ridiculed and called names. Surely many even at this time were asking, it’s been 50 years, 60 years, 70 years, etc that you have been building this thing and we have not had any thing like flood. They thought he was mad, I can imagine what stress he had to bear even from his family, but he had faith in what God said. Today many people mock at Christians the same way; “when will that your Jesus come? It has been thousands of years. He will never come.” I remember I was ill-treated by one of my bosses in a professional meeting about our Lord. He said “man is wicked, they killed Jesus and now Jesus says the way these guys treated me I cannot come back to that earth. Jesus will not came again!” You can imagine the meaning of this statement, to which I did not react because I knew he was attacking me and my faith. He was not inquiring and he was not sincere, so I found no reason to enter into such discussions.

Scriptures tell us the subterranean waters of the earth were unleashed upon the earth. The water canopy above the firmament was brought down upon the earth in a torrential rain. The Bible is not a geological book to talk of the details but we’ll understand that with the heavy flood it will not just washout the earth but also cause tectonic activities that will change the surface of the earth. The water was 22 feets (6.8m) above the highest mountain. No wonder Peter says the world that existed was overthrown by water (2 Pt 3:5, 6). Those who were not found in the ark were destroyed.

Christ is an ark, in whom alone we can be safe, when death and judgment approach. The word says, “Come;” ministers say “come;” the spirit says, “come, come into the Ark.” Noah was accounted righteous, not for his own righteousness, but as an heir of the righteousness which is by faith (Heb 11:7).

God gave Noah 7 days to fill the ark. One Sabbath was enough for harden hearts to repent; but they could not. It is common today for people who lived careless lives during their years of good health. They see death at a distance, but the few days of their sickness when they see death approaching still means nothing to them as they continue in harden hearts. They are deceived in sin.

The wild creatures that entered the ark were made mild and manageable, but when they came out of the ark, they were the same kind as before. The ark did not change their nature. It is the same for those who come to the church as hypocrites. They look like they belong but when they leave the fold they take on their old nature. It is not about church but Christ who can transform you, and make you new. The door of mercy will shortly be shut against people who take it lightly just as God shut the ark behind Noah. Knock now, and it shall be open (Lk 13:25). The flood that broke down everything lifted Noah’s ark. That which to unbelievers betokens death unto death, to the faithful betokens life unto life. Hallelujah!

From the beginning of the flood to its end was one year and 10 days. Notice that change in the Hebrew word for dry explains the degree of dryness as the water dried off from the earth. Harevu (dry) in verse 13 of Genesis 8 to another, yavesah (dry) in verse 14 emphasizes a more complete drying of the face of the earth. God told Noah when the flood would come but He did not tell him when it will stop. The knowledge of the former was necessary to his preparing the ark; but the knowledge of the latter would serve only to gratify curiosity; and concealing it from him would exercise his faith and patience. We noticed that, though verse 13 and 14 says the earth was dry, Noah did not go out of the ark until God told him to do so. Whether he was uncomfortable inside the ark, he waited for God’s time. At times we fail to follow or seek God’s will and we want to force doors open, but God’s time of showing mercy is the best time.

Noah steps into a desolate world out of the ark. He does not get on complaining and crying but he makes an altar for God to offer sacrifice. He begins well, that begins with God. He surely sacrificed of the clean animals with him in the ark. I can see why God asked him to take seven pairs in their kind of clean animals, but a pair of the others. God said in His heart that He will not again curse the ground because of man. Why? Because the problem is not man’s nature. God did not make man evil, or cursed him with a sinful nature. The emphasis is on what one chooses to do, not on the nature of the one who makes the choices.

After the flood man was now given permission to eat meat as he ate of the plants of the earth. Man was also given right of capital punishment in order to protect society and to instill fear in the hearts of those who would take the life of others. The drunkenness of Noah is recorded as a case and proof of human weakness and imperfection even though it is the first time we hear of wine mentioned in the Bible. So let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he falls. Ham despised the father in his nakedness but Shem and Japheth showed love on their father’s faults (1Pt 4:8) and brought a robe of reverence to be thrown over the faults of their parent. The blessing of God attends on those who honour their parents, and his curse lights especially on those who dishonor them.

As Jesus Christ prepares to start His ministry on earth, John the Baptist (immerse) goes out as the forerunner, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven. John was not a city preacher. He went to the desert of Judea, west of the Dead sea where he preached and Baptized in the Jordan river. He wore camel’s hair and ate locust and honey. This shows self-denial and sacrifice. God sent him to the wilderness to preach in order to call those who were truly repentant out of their wealthy cities (their comfort zone). Today most men of God will love to go to cities so that they make more money or name, but John went to the wilderness, he did not look for a city that is populated to have more impact. God wanted people who truly repent not numbers. For one to leave the city and go to John in the desert, they should be truly repentant. So some of our preachers today are like the Pharisees of that time; legalistic, wealthy, lovers of money (Lk 16:14), religiously zealous, and using religious control over the people. You can understand why John called them children of snakes (vipers), with their venom of legalistic hypocritical religion. They caused the Jews to reject the kingdom reign of Jesus. How could they enter the ark? This will bring God’s judgment upon them as God will also reject them. They forgot that a true Jew and son of Abraham was such by faith (matt 8:11,12). John says the ministry of Jesus will lead to a separation of chaff (the disobedient) from the wheat (the obedient sons of Abraham by faith.) And the chaffs thrown in unquenchable fire as God’s judgment.

Jesus walks from Galilee to Jordan where John was preaching; about one hundred kilometers from Nazareth. Jesus, though without sin (Hb 4:15) asked to be baptized by John to fulfil all righteousness (fulfill or complete the commandments of God), because John was commanded to Baptize by God. The Spirit of God descended upon him like a dove, or as a dove. Notice the Spirit of God did not incarnate in the body of a dove. This was signal to John that this was the lamb of God (Lk 3:22, Jn 1:32-34.) John made them know that they could only be accepted as people of God, if their sins were washed in the fountain Christ was to open to them (Zech 13:1). The manifestation of the Trinity was seen after Christ’s baptism. The Spirit descended upon him, the Father confirming the son to be mediator and the son solemnly entering upon the work. Christ is the altar that sacrifices every gift (1Pt 2:5). Out of Christ, God is a consuming fire, but in Christ, a reconciled Father.

Prayer: Merciful God, I thank you for your word that manifests your power to mankind. You consume those who do not accept your son and reconcile those who accept him. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your open hands that is waiting for us to enter the Ark to your kingdom. Spirit of the Living God, help us not to be weary that we may keep steadfast as we move through this year in your presence and leadership. Thank you Father; for in Jesus name I pray. Amen.