Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Before you seek a wife, talk with God first and seek His counsel

Bible Reading: Jan 9: Gen 23-24; Matt 7

Sarah died and the children of Heth were willing to offer a burial place free of charge to Abraham. Abraham would not allow this for the respect he has for his wife Sarah and his integrity. He purchased and took possession of the piece of land that was his for his own lifetime. Dominion is not founded in grace. The longest life must shortly come to a close. Blessed be God that there is a world where sin, death, vanity, and vexation cannot enter.
Abraham made Eliezer to swear that he will not take a wife for his son from the Canaanites. Eliezer’s mission was filled with the providential actions of God. Eliezer prayed at the well that God do the rest. He tested the servant nature of Rebekah which was revealed in that she drew water for Eliezer and all his camels. When Eliezer heard that she was from the house of Nahor, he immediately worshipped god for bringing to pass all that had transpired. So he knew his encounter with Rebekah was not a coincidence but work of God. Eliezer had his faith in God and remained alert to the work of God in his life reason why he prayed for his mission. Today most youths go out in search for a wife or husband without asking God’s counsel and they end up in marriages that were not God ordained. The event took place so fast for Rebekah’s relatives that they found it difficult to send Rebekah away though they knew it was the hand of God as Eliezer rehearsed his encounter. Isaac came from far south, the Negev as Rebekah came from the far north, land of Nahor and they met in the middle of the Promised Land.
To have servants like Eliezer with piety, faithfulness, prudence, and affection is a blessing from God just as to live in such a family. So we must highly value that and thankfully acknowledge God for that. Marriage is very important and must be done with much care and prudence, in reference to God’s will and with prayer for his direction and blessing. When the parents’ concern is not considered, do not expect God’s blessing. Parents should also consider the welfare of the souls of their children, and their furtherance in the way to heaven. Eliezer seeks God’s concern and also checks on the character as he tests. She should be simple, industrious, humble, cheerful, serviceable, and hospitable. Eliezer the servant of Abraham did not go to places of amusement and sinful pleasure to find a wife for his master. But he went to the well of water and prayed for God’s way in his mission. When Rebekah filled the pitcher, she came up to go home; she did not stand to gaze at the stranger and his camels, but minded her business. She only stopped to attend to the man who begged for help and so she could only do good by giving water to drink and drawing water for his camels. She did not enter into any curious discourse with him, but answered him modestly. When he knew about her family he thanked the Lord in Rebekah’s hearing. Abraham’s servant did not also linger around but faithful to his duty and so hurried to go back to his master with the wife. The parent of Rebekah also asked for the consent of Rebekah who decided to go at once. Isaac also went to a solitary place for meditation and prayer while Eliezer was on the mission. Holy souls love retirements if rightly employed. The two (Isaac and Rebekah) were affectionate to one another when they met. They were not hypocritical about their feelings for one another.
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus teaches against the legalistic judging that was exercised by the Pharisees. Because of their self-righteousness, they were critical to others who did not agree with them on every point of their systematic theology. The problem was not who is right and who is wrong (Gal 6:1). We must always look at others with an attitude of love (Jn 7:24; Ro 2:1;14:3,4,10,13; 1Cor 4:3-5; Jms 4:11,12). We need to consider others with grace and generosity. Jesus says they should remove the beam from their own eyes so that they can see well to judge others. To correctly evaluate others, you must first recognize your own sinful state (Ro 2:21-23, Gal 6:1). You must live your life by the same standard by which you look at others.
In verse 6 of Mtt 7 he says “do not give what is holy to the dogs.” Ruthless and hard-hearted people cannot receive the precious truths of love and mercy. They will mock at you when you preach to them. In contrast to the self-righteous hearts of dogs who continually reject all righteousness, the humble heart must intensify their dependence on God by asking, seeking and knocking. God will provide (Mk 11:24;Lk 11:9-13;18:1-8; Jn 14:13;15:7). When you ask God will answer. How and when He answers is His choice and He will always give us good things not a stone or snake, though His answer may not be what we expect but they are his wise answers. God gives the Holy spirit to those who ask (Lk 11:13).
Jesus also teaches on the golden rule to do to others what you’ll want them to do to you (Lk 6:31). Few will enter the gate of heaven which is narrow because it requires humility, combined with suffering and persecution (Act 14:22). Many will enter the wide gate to condemnation since it is the way of indifference, self-righteousness, laziness and hypocrisy. So most people who live upon the face of the earth will choose not to obey God and will be lost.
Jesus now warns against false prophets who will mislead sincere seekers with their self-righteousness and legalistic religiosity. They come in sheep’s clothing because the religious community recognizes them, while their true nature show self-dependence and so do not seek the grace of God. You shall know them by their fruits because what they speak do not match their moral life (Mk 7:6-9). So false prophets are identified more by their behavior not by their teachings. It is the responsibility of Christians to judge the fruits of one’s teaching by the word of God. So those who legally seek God according to their works will not see the kingdom of God. They perform the right deeds, but their hearts were arrogant and self-righteous. So we must do the words of Christ by seeking the grace of God, and being careful that we do not depend on our own performance of the law and good works as the only condition for our salvation. We obey the words of Jesus because of God’s love (Ro 3:31; 1 Cor 15:10; 1Jn 4:19) not to justify ourselves before God. Jesus spoke with authority because he did not depend on the law or teachings of religious leaders. He was original and spoke like that because He was the son of God. He spoke as the son would speak with divine authority.

Prayer: Great lord, I thank you for your faithfulness. You never abandon us and you are always there when we seek you, you answer us when we ask you Lord. Holy Spirit of God, come and take your place at the throne of our hearts. Reign and lead us that we may not falter. Guide our young children even in their search for life partners that they will do it in the Lord. Teach the parents to seek the spiritual welfare of their children in every decision they make Lord. Have your way in our lives. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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