In the
seventh chapter of Daniel we see a parallel with his vision in chapter two. The
head of gold and the lion refers to Babylon. The silver and Bear refers to
Medo-Persia. The Brass and leopard refers to Greece. The iron and clay feet in
chapter two refers to Rome just as the dreadful and terrible beast in chapter
seven. All of these kingdoms were destroyed. There rulers were all destroyed
and their thrones destroyed. Their authorities were all gone. The question to
who rule’s the earth may be very simple; we would ask who rules the universe?
This is still very limited to the One we are talking of. Because He has been
given authority in heaven as well.
Let’s read
our text again “ I continued watching in the night visions, and I saw One like a son of man
coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was escorted before Him. He was given authority to rule, and glory, and a kingdom; so that those of every people, nation, and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.”
coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was escorted before Him. He was given authority to rule, and glory, and a kingdom; so that those of every people, nation, and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.”
Daniel is
placed in heaven to give us a picture of what will happen when the son of man
ascended to the right hand of the Father in heavenly places. “The son of man, coming with the clouds of
heaven to the Ancient of Days”. And Acts 1:9-10 speaks of Jesus being taken
in a cloud to heaven. So Daniel was giving a prophecy of the ascension of Jesus
in the text.
All peoples and languages should
serve Him
The text
does not say all peoples would serve
Him. It is subjunctive. The son of man would have a universal sovereignty,
though not all in that sovereignty would be obedient subjects. We still have
disobedient subjects today. Regardless of the disobedience of some people on
earth, Jesus is still sovereign. The church is just a part of the universal
kingdom of Jesus. All nations and languages are part of this kingdom reign.
For the benefit of Christians who
are the church
1:20-22 “He demonstrated this power in the Messiah by raising Him from the dead
and seating Him at His right hand in the heavens — far above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every
title given, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put
everything under His feet and appointed Him as head over everything for the church”
Jesus is
far above all principality, above all rulers or personalities, above powers and
dominion. This is what ascension means. That Jesus is ruling from heaven over
all. Paul adds that “to or for the
church”. Jesus is head over all things for the sake of the church. As
Christians, we should be encouraged that the reign of Jesus is for the sake of
the church; for the benefit of Christians who are the church. What a glorious
gift from the bridegroom to the bride!
If Jesus
and His authority is above all things and we are seated in heavenly places with
him (Eph 2:6) then we should rejoice that we in Christ have authority over
principalities, powers and dominion. What is making you so afraid when you are
with the king? Is it a virus? Job? Sickness? Witches? What should frighten you
my friend? Rethink again and stand up like a kingdom citizen.
For the glory of God, the Father
2:9-11 “For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that
at the name of Jesus every knee will bow —of
those who are in heaven and on earth
and under the earth —and every
tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
sovereign rule of Jesus is for the benefit of Christians and most importantly
for the glory of God the Father. Jesus’ authority (name) is above every
authority. Above those in the material world (“those on earth”). His rule is
over all angels in heaven (“those in heaven”) and over Satan and demons (“those
under the earth”)
present sovereign rule is beyond the church. Philippians 2:9-11 is not talking
of something that is in the future. Paul is talking of something that is
present. After Jesus’ final coming the earth and Satan with his demons will be
eternally destroyed (Mt 25:41). Just like in Daniel 7, Philippians 2 says every
tongue should confess Jesus.
However, all are not submissive today. Whether they submit or not Jesus is
still their king and they will one day submit. Unfortunately, it will be too
late for their redemption.
Hebrews 2:8
says we do not see everything under Jesus now. At this time it may seem that
things are out of control in regards to kingdom reign of Jesus. But when He
comes again, it will be clearly manifested when He brings judgment upon all who
have opposed Him.
His kingdom
is everlasting. It is sure and steadfast and would not pass away like the
kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. Jesus’ kingdom originates
from heaven. No power on earth can influence this kingdom. My friend, are you
living a kingdom life or you are one of those disobedient subjects under the
kingdom reign of Jesus? Reconsider your ways before it becomes too late. You
still have the time to get on your knees and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord,
saviour and king.
Shalom NHN
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