Friday, 15 September 2023

Do you Honour Your Commitments ? Malachi 2:1-6


Illustration: I read of a man who was running a training program and gave some rules for the training. He said; before we start the training we must agree for some things. No body will ask questions until the presentation. No coffee until the coffee beak. He asked if they agree and everyone said yes. Many people violated the agreement during the training. At his conclusion he remarked that how easy is it to carelessly take commitments and carelessly dishonour them.

Several Sundays ago I asked them men to stand up and we regrated that we failed in our commitment to fellowship together. I asked those who  agreed with me that we shall start meeting on Mondays to sit down and all the men sat down. The following Monday I was there and only 5 men were present. We carelessly take commitments and carelessly dishonour them. Some sit in meetings and agree that the discussion will end there but the next second they dishonour that commitment and they are spreading gossips and messages all around.

Honoring your commitment is part of your character. It is a quality that attracts people to you and enhances your relationships and opportunities. Failing to honour our commitments will tarnish our image and have a negative effect on our reputation. It can create a barrier to personal achievements and erect a roadblock against success. Honoring your commitments makes you a  person of integrity and character- Someone others can trust.

                Do you honour commitments you make to your team, friends, family members, yourself? Do you honour the commitments you have made to God? The people of Juda failed in their covenant agreement with God. They treated God with disrespect, dishonouring His name. They treated sacred things as common, turn away from God’s law, disobeying His commandments. Some divorced their Jewish wives and married the Pagan women. Malachi provides a strong rebuke to them. Why should we honour our commitments?

1.       Responsibility: We must respond in obedience to what we say

God wants us to listen and to obey. Read Mal 2:2a

It is one thing to believe something is true. It is another thing to obey it. James 1:22 says “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Two Sundays ago we learned about young Samuel who responded after hearing God’s voice in the middle of the night the third time. “Speak, for your sevant is listening”(1 Samuel 3:10). Can you say that now? Ayre you listening to God? Are you obeying God’s instructions? Are you honouring your commitments?

To know if you are doing that, you need to test yourself and Malachi gives the details.

a.       Revere God (v.5)

Many of us play games with God. We compromise, disobeying whenever we feel like  disobeying. Revering or fearing our awesome God inspires obedience.

b.      Receive truth (v.6)

To know that you honour your commitment for God, you have to see if you teach and receive the truth from God’s word. You must maintain a steady intake of the Bible. You fail to teach Bible study or devotions at home. You fail to come and be taught the pure word of God because you don’t honour your commitment with God. Levi had the law of truth in his mouth; that is what the Bible says.

c.       Righteous living v.6

Those who honour their commitments walk in a manner that is good and upright, turning away from sin. The Bible says iniquity was not in the mouth of Levi.

2.       Warning

Malachi reminds the hearers that if they fail to honour their commitments, God will curse them (Mal  2:2).  Failure to honour your commitment will damage your personal testimony, it will impact your success in life, and strain your relationship with God.

3.       Benefits of honouring your commitments v.5

Life and peace was the Lord’s covenant promise to those who honour their commitments with God. Life here speaks of a qualitative, and satisfying life. Peace is more than a quiet soul, but also welfare of every kind.

But listen, the priests failed in their responsibility to teach the law of God. The people also failed to revere God, to receive his word and to live a  distinct life. Malachi says 5 times in this chapter that they were faithless, breaking faith, or that they deal treacherously. They did not honour their commitments. They broke their vows, God no longer had to fulfill his side of the obligation. Some of us are in this situation today and you are wondering why God is not doing something for that situation. It is because you have not honoured your commitment with God.

You alone are responsible for your life. Stop blaming others, stop rationalizing or justifying, stop excusing your failure to honour your commitment. We have a God who honours His commitments; He keeps His promises. When we honour our commitments, we are like God.


You are yaweh eh You are Yaweh 2x

You are Yaweh, alpha and Omega

Present our sins in dishonouring our commitment with God (Bible studies, giving, tithing, fellowship, lukewarmness, who cares attitude). Pray for the grace to stand faithfully for the truth. Desiring the truth, teaching the truth obeying the truth. Make prophetic declarations of blessings to those who honour God.

Healthy life and prosperous life. Quality life with maturity. Peace of the soul, peace with men; happiness, goodnesss, safety to their lives and their children in Jesus name.

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