Thursday, 13 February 2014

The Power of God

John 1:1-3
God’s power is manifested in the creation of the universe. Every single thing that exist; visible and invisible were created by God. The scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that He is the word of God. He existed before the foundation of the world. Jn 1:1-3 says “in the beginning was the word”. When nothing existed, the word existed and the word was with God and the word was God. The beginning here refers to eternity past. That time when nothing existed. He was not part of creation. He is Deity and Deity did not co-exit with the material world in eternity past.
Jesus Christ is the creator of the universe for col 1:16 says “By Him were all things created, in the heavens and on earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through him, and for Him”. He is God for “In Him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily” Col 2:9
  1. So Jesus and the Father always existed as one with the Holy Spirit and they created all things. John says that there is nothing that exists which God did not create through the Son.
  2. God has the power to forgive your sins, heal all your diseases, redeem your life from destruction, crown you with loving kindness and mercy, provide your food, give justice for the oppressed, …. Ps 103:1-6.
  3. God in the Trinity can raise the dead as we see in the life of Lazarus whom Jesus Christ raised from the dead (Jn 11:43). He can also empower those who trust in Him to do same. God through Jesus Christ will give you power to do miracles if you truly are delivered. We are delivered in order to bring salvation to others and so God will empower His disciples with the same power to deliver through gospel so that God may be glorified through the Son.
  4. God has shown His power in the past by that which He did in the life of Moses in parting the water. Just as He separates water He can also separate you from sin delivering you from that burden and giving your heart peace (Phil 4:7). But you can only receive this peace of God which surpasses all understanding in Christ Jesus. Nowhere else!
  5. The power of God can present you faultless and keep you from falling. Jude 1:24 says Jesus Christ, The Father and the Holy Spirit as one are able to keep you from falling, sustaining you so that they can present you before His (God head) glory in great joy. You can therefore keep yourself from sinning only in the Lord. Only by the grace of God because in your strength, you cannot do anything righteous before  the righteous God.
  6. God is able by His power, immeasurable, unsearchable, which man cannot imagine or explain in human language give you eternal life that no one can take away.  Jesus tells us in Jn 10:28-30 that no one can snatch those to whom He has given eternal life because the Father has given them to Him and no one is greater than the Father. Moreover He says “I and the Father are one.”
Jesus said this so that the Jews will know and understand that He is God in essence. They did not understand this great truth about the Deity of Jesus and His power and oneness with the Father. You must accept that Jesus is who He claims to be in order to experience this power of God in your life because He will manifest it in people He wants to authenticate. It does not end with accepting the teachings but to preach it and also bring deliverance to others because it is the word of God that delivers in the name of Jesus. Jesus is God, He is our Lord and savior, He was there before the creation of the universe, the universe was created through Him and for Him, His incarnation in the virgin birth is true, He died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected so that we may be saved. He gives this salvation to those who accepted all these about  Him and commands all who have received this salvation do same to others.

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