Thursday, 23 January 2014


Jn.8:12; 12:46

Why should we look at who Jesus is to us? Is it important to know who He is to us? What does knowing about our relationship with Jesus do to us? There is just one answer to all these questions posed in varied forms. Knowing who Jesus is to us builds our faith in Him more and makes us trust in who He is to us. Our salvation only depends on knowing and accepting who He is to us.

Jesus is the light of the world and He calls us to reflect this light as we live on earth (Jn.8:12; 12:46). Light is never meant to complement darkness, it is meant to chase darkness away. So Jesus Christ in our life is to remove darkness from us and give us true light. We do not need to stumble any longer because we live in the light. We therefore have to bring light in the souls of men we meet because light is never hidden. It has to shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven.

The light can only emanate from a light source. We therefore need to have the source of light in order to shine into the lives of others. If we are not the source then we must abide in the source of light who is Jesus. He says you must abide in me like the branch holds on to the True vine. Jesus is your true vine and you can only produce if you are attached to the vine else it will be cut off. But when you abide in Him, He will give you everything you ask (Jn.15:1-8).

We were in bondage to sin but now the door to our freedom is given us. You need to go in and out through the right door. Your Door to salvation is Jesus (Jn.10:7). What is interesting about this is that you are free to go in and out through the Door and he shall find pasture (Jn.10:9). It means if you go in through Jesus Christ, nothing will be more than you, you will lack nothing, you will have enough to eat and to give to others. In Him there is abundance.
He is not only the Door to your salvation where you will find a great pasture, but He is also your Good shepherd (Jn.10:11) and He says He gives His life for the sheep. He will do everything possible to keep you in order in His pasture.

He is your resurrection and life (Jn.11:25), you do not need to fear. Not even death can take away the love He has for you. He will show you the right way, the truth in life because He is your way, Truth and Life (Jn.14:6). You can only enter the kingdom of the Father through Jesus. There are no two ways but through Him alone that you can have eternal life.

He is your living Bread of life (Jn.6:35,51), if you come to Him you will never hunger nor thirst because your soul will be well nourished. He is the gospel, He is the word of God, and the word of God brings light and life to the Spirit. If you are soaked up in the word, in Jesus then you will not hunger for any other knowledge because your needs will be met in His word. He says His bread is His flesh which He has given for the life of the world. He has already given it on the cross of Calvary and what you need now is to receive it and live by it.

Jesus is the forgiver of your transgressions (Isa.43:25) and He does it without your consent because He loves you and He says He will never remember your sin against you. He is the one who washes away your sins. He is your savior, only if you allow Him (Isa.43:10,11). He says beside Him there is no savior; He is the only savior, there was none before Him and there will be none after Him.


You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. God will never forget you because you are always in His thoughts (Ps.139:14-18). When you sleep and when you wake up, He continuously thinks about you. You cannot count how much He thinks about you because it is like the sand which cannot be counted.

To show you how much God loves you He sent His son to die that you might live through Him (1Jn.4:9). Your living is through Christ and so you are not to live without Christ. No wonder why Paul says to live is Christ and to die is gain.

God is not like man who will show love today and tomorrow it dies. He is not man who shows love on his honey moon and sooner or later it dies. There is neither dying honey moon nor bloom of romance that dies with God. His love for you is new every morning and never fails. His faithfulness is great (Lam.3:22-23).  You therefore need to Hope in the Lord alone. That is what will build your faith.

He is faithful and nothing can separate His love for you (Rom.8:38,39). His love for you is in Christ Jesus our Lord. God therefore loves you with everlasting love (Jer..31:3).

Behold the manner of love God has for you. He calls you my child (1Jn.3:1) and because you are His child when you believe in what He has done in His son Jesus Christ for you, you will surely not be known by the world because the world did not know Christ when He came. Be therefore transformed in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ and obey His word with love for your loving God.

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