Thursday, 2 April 2020

Genuine worshipers are true to themselves and recognise the kingship of Jesus Christ ( Luke 19 :28-40)

Many religious people today are worshiping according to their own inventions. But if we worship God according to the doctrines and commandments of men, we worship God in vain. Jesus said “And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Mk 7:7). We need to know God and His will if we must worship Him in Spirit and truth (John 4:23). You can understand why Paul addressed the Athenians in Acts 17:23 “The one whom you worship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you”. We’ll concentrate on the kingship of Jesus Christ as he entered Jerusalem in his last days on earth.
Jesus had just finished telling the people the parable of the gold coins where the one with the one coin after the return of the master was deprived of the single coin and given to the one who had ten coins because of his stewardship which also applies to the stewardship of our souls. After telling them this, He went on to Jerusalem and at the mount of Olives he sent the disciples to get a colt that has never been ridden.
   1.       Jesus is master and all knowing (vs 29-34)
He knew what the disciples will see ahead of them and what the owner will ask. Jesus gave them the response of the one who is Lord and master of the universe. I believe the man knew the master needed the donkey. He also knew the master otherwise he would have asked who is the master. The man didn’t resist the request because he knew who the master was. Do you know the master? Are you ready to hand it over to the master?
The man handed over the donkey. Today God wants you to hand over your heart to him in obedience. If you hand your heart to the master, you’ll worship him in spirit and in truth. Your worship will come from your heart not the mouth nor drums or atmosphere but at all times and everywhere worship will flow from your heart.
You’ll be able to worship God in giving even to the construction project of the church because the master needs it. It doesn’t matter the situation in which we are, worship will flow from those who know God.
He knows everything, your past, present and future. Why can’t you confide in Jesus? The disciples went to the village and found everything just as Jesus said. He is omniscient and you can’t hide from him, so give your life to him so that you can worship him everywhere; alone or in public without shame or fear, even in the presence of your enemies just like Gideon did in the camp of the enemies (Judges 7:15).
   2.       He was courageous to live the truth (35-37)
In his final week Jesus wanted all to know without doubt that he was Jesus the Christ, the son of the living God, the one who is worthy of our worship. So he took the great courage to enter Jerusalem like a king sitting on a donkey after the tension he had in the last years of his ministry with religious leaders. It takes courage to live out the truth in your life despite all opposition, shame, attacks, sickness, troubles or whatsoever even coronavirus. Live the truth, don’t just speak it but live it without fear. Jesus did even though he knew he will be killed for who he was. He was not afraid to enter Jerusalem in hiding but he entered on a donkey with a crowd shouting for Him.
   3.       Jesus boldly claimed to be the Messiah (vs 35)
In fulfilment of Zechariah 9:9, the king is coming riding on a donkey. He was coming as the prince of peace who rules the heart of men, not like a warrior. He was coming to save; that is the Messiah.
If Jesus was contented with just being a prophet or any other title, he would have lived to a good old age. But that was not his goal; but to be truthful, that’s why those who worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. But because He claimed to be the Christ, the saviour, the Messiah, He started his journey to the cross.
Throughout scriptures Jesus travelled everywhere he went by foot. He never rode on anything but just for the last two miles of his trip to Jerusalem he asks for a donkey which had never been ridden before. It was not because Jesus was tired but because he wanted to pass the message. In First Samuel 6:7 two cows that have never been yoked were to carry the ark of the Lord’s covenant, now Jesus is to ride on a colt that has never been ridden because he was bringing the new covenant that’ll be made in his blood because He is the Messiah. Can you see the parallel? He knew where He was going.
   4.       The crowd responded in praises (vs 38-40)
The disciples throw their cloaks over the donkey for Christ to sit on. People spread their cloaks and tree branches on the road as he rode on. Jesus was given the red carpet ushering as the king of Kings. Others took palm branches and went forth to meet Jesus as the apostle John says in John 12:13. They shouted “God bless the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!
There were some people around who didn’t want Jesus to be worshiped. The Pharisees were there. They said “Teacher, command your disciples to be quiet”. Jesus replied I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out!. They were not to keep silent, but if they were to, something else will shout because he is the God who gives life and the spirit. Even stones will do it in worship to the creator.
Is anyone asking you to keep quiet before the king of kings? Is anyone asking you not to worship the Lord our God? Will you give true praise and worship to God or you’ll be like the Pharisees or like those who’ll turn and say crucify him?
If you truly know who God is, you’ll worship him in spirit and in truth. You’ll not be influenced by music, by people around you not even by the problems around us. But if you have never had an encounter with Jesus, or you don’t know when you ever received Christ in your life, you are wasting your time here. You are just like the Pharisees or those who shouted Hosanna in the highest and turned back to say crucify him. You are worshiping in vain even though you’re here today. It’s time for you to give your life to Christ. Thank God that coronavirus has come to remind us of how the end times may look like. It will be worse than this, but after death, where will you be? Swimming in the lake of fire or with the king of kings? It’s time you bow your head and make things right with God.
To you who have believed:
·         God is Holy Spirit, so worship him in the holiness of your spirit (Is 1:15,16)
·         God is benevolent spirit, so worship him with a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving (Ps 100:1,2)
·         God reigns over all things, worship him in reverence and awe (Is 6:1-5, Rev 1:12-18)
·         God is spirit of wisdom and intelligence, so worship him in totality of your mental ability (Mt 15:5,6)
·         God cannot be seen with eyes of men, so worship him in faith (Ex 20:4,5, 2Cor 5:7)
·         God is loving, worship him with a spirit of love for him and fellow worshipers (Mt 5:23-24)
·         God is a forgiving spirit, worship him with a forgiving spirit (Mt 6:14,15)
·         God is a fatherly spirit, worship like a child who trust and depend upon the Father of our spirit (Mt 6:9, Hb 12:19)
Knowing who God is and how you can worship God, I trust you’ll adjust your pockets to truly worship God with your giving for the church project starting from your heart.

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