Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Many people these days ask the question whether God exist. Some ask whether God really cares about humanity. Looking at the suffering around us and the wars, we ask if God really does exist.
Why do I have to suffer in order to get bread to eat? Why is no one thinking about me? You may be asking these questions within you. That no one cares about you. Do I deserve to live?

  1. What are some of the questions people ask about humanity and God?

Many people do not know the origin of sin and why man got into trouble and suffering. Many do not know where to go because they do not know where they come from. We all came from God who created everything in the universe for His own glory. We belong to God and we need to come back to God who created us in His image to commune with Him. The lack of this knowledge has led many to ask questions like:
  • Why is there suffering on earth?
  • Why did God allow suffering if He is a loving God?
  • Why did God not make all created being sinless?
  • Where did sin come from?
  • Why did God create Lucifer?
  • Why did God allow Lucifer to rebel against Him?
  • Why did God punish man when they obeyed the word of Satan over God?
  • How can man do to taste of the tree of life again?
  • How can man live for eternity?

  1. What does the Bible give as answer to questions above?

God created man for His glory and so He wants man to pay loyalty to Him alone. We are His property and he deserves the glory. But He does not want us to do it by force but by love. He wants man to be loyal to Him through love  and so God gave man the power of choice . In Isa 1:18 He says come now and let us reason together. He does not want to force but He wants man to agree with Him in love. In Gen 2:17  He created man and placed them in the garden of Eden with two trees; the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Imagine God who took His time and planted the garden as the Bible says. The garden of pleasure, the place that is highly pleasing. That is the meaning of Eden. SO God wanted man to live in a perfect place with enough pleasure. Adam and Eve had the power to chose and eat from the tree of life but they made a choice to disobey God and eat from the tree of the knowledge of God and evil which will lead them to death.

In disobeying God they man all humanity sinners. God gave the law that man should not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil out of love because He did not want man to die. Sin is rebellion against God’s love based law. God wants us to love Him with all our heart (Matt 22:37-40) and we can only be people who love God if we obey His law (Ro 8:7) and disobeying God’s law is sinning against God (1Jn3:4).

Sin is rejection of God and it brings separation from God. Many of us think life is not fair. No, it’s that we are separated from God because of sin. God is not in all the thoughts of a sinful man ( Ps.10:4). You have no favor, nothing is moving on your side because the face of God is hidden from you (Isa.59:2). That is what sin causes to man.

Sin originated in heaven with an angel called Lucifer who was later called Satan (Isa 14:12).God created him and he was perfect, and God allowed him the power of choice (Ez.28:15). Because of pride he made a choice to sin and declared Gods law unfair. He wanted to exalt himself above God. He wanted to take the place of God (Isa.14:13,14).
God did not stop him from expressing himself. God is very fair and He allowed him to express himself even though he wanted the place of God. Lucifer then deceived 1/3 of the angels in heaven who followed him and later on man (Adam and Eve) Rev.12:4. God could not make Lucifer a robot, neither would He have made man a robot to only say yes to God. That would not have been fair and since God cannot contradict himself as a just and fair God he allowed every created being the free will to chose what they want.
Even though we are allowed to chose, good and evil are not compatible (Mat.12:25) and God being a just God will always judge and reward every created being for what he/she has done. That is why Satan and the angels who decided to rebel against God were expelled from heaven (Rev.12:7-9)
Adam and Eve were warned against sin, its consequences and they were given the power of choice (Gen.2:15-17). But they decided to obey Satan rather than God (Gen.3:6). They trusted Satan more than God. For them God was a liar and Satan was the man of truth. This is what we also mean when we reject God’s command.
They gave their allegiance to Satan and so sinned against God bringing about death to humanity. Mankind became sinful by nature and deserving death as the wages (Rom.5:12-16)
As a result all creation groans under the pain and curse of sin (Rom.8:22). We are asking questions today why people are suffering, why people are in pain, why pain exist in the first place. All these is a result of the pain and curse of sin. By one man – Adam, all humanity became sinful by nature, by one man-Christ, all can be saved by choice if they want to be (Rom.5:17-21)

Do you believe you need God in your life? There are some who think they have all what life needs and do not need any one for their living. You may think you have:
·         Money
·         Your business flourishing
·         Good friends
·         A good family
·         Houses and cars
·         Good health and living well
·         Authority
·         A good education and intelligence, etc
But God says this about you:
·         You are empty
·         You are a very poor man/woman
·         You are a fool
·         You are a child who needs to be taught
·         You are naked and you need to be clothed
·         You are a dead man who needs to revived.
And to be who you want to be, depends only on you. It is your choice to make. Accept the one man who brings life. Ro 5:17-21 says though your sins, dependence on yourself, brokenness is too much for you, God’s grace has increased the more. He is still ready to receive you because of what Christ did on the cross for you and for me.

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