Monday, 6 January 2014

Who will ascend into the hill of the Lord ?

Many people think worship is just something you do for formality. We worship God because we know He exists. Because we know that He created us for His glory and He needs our worship even though we do not see Him. He does not want to share His glory with any other.
[My intention is to make you see the attitude you need to have in order to truly worship God]
What is the first attitude we must have to truly worship?
   a)      Know the one you worship
True worship starts by understanding the one you worship. True worshipers know that God exist beyond our human imagination.
i)                    We cannot ascend unto God. This statement makes us know that we do not need to ascend to God before we can worship Him. That is why Christ told us to believe His words because he alone comes from the Father. No one has ever seen Him. We shall only see Him when we meet in His kingdom after the judgment day. But we are expected to worship Him here on earth.
ii)                   No one fully comprehends His majesty. The scriptures make us understand that we cannot fully know the truth of God’s majesty. “Who can be God’s counselor?” There’s none like Him. No one whom we can imagine in our mind! Only man-made gods are in the imagination of the one who makes them but our God is not.
·   Who can describe the image of God or His glory? No one can describe it, but what we know is that we are made in His image. His image which is not the physical appearance because God is spirit reason why we can only worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:23-24)
·   What we know is that God exists. This generates worship from our hearts. We have many names or attributes which people have used to worship God such as
o   God of peace
o   Great provider
o   God of Love
o   The Lily of the valley
o   The ancient of days
o   The unchangeable changer
o   Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God, etc
We cannot list all the attributes because God is beyond our imagination.
·   This is what we need to know when we worship God. He is someone to fear with reverence because we cannot know 1 millionth of everything about God. But He still wants us to worship Him and Him alone.
   b)      Who can then worship God?

                    i.            Those with clean hands.
·         Only those who have clean hands can truly worship God. They are not in conflict with their neighbors.
·         If you are in conflict, then you are guilty and your worship will be hypocritical if you try to worship God. True worship comes from clean hands, clean lips and clean heart. If you cannot care about others, how can you understand the God who cares for all men? If you cannot show peace, you cannot know the God who brings peace into the heart of men.
                  ii.            Those with a pure heart.
·         True worship comes from the spirit and is truthful. The character of your inner man determines your worship to God.
·         If your heart is full of forgiveness, then you can identify with one who wants to worship.
·         If you have mercy for others, then you are one who seeks to worship.
This is what makes your heart pure. It makes you truthful before God. You are not a hypocrite when your heart is pure. True worshipers worship in spirit and in truth. (Jn 4:23-24) They worship with a pure heart!
                iii.            The one whose soul is not carried to vanity.
·         You cannot worship a true God while loving things that are false. Psalm 12:2 makes us know that vanity is spoken with flattering lips. So they are not true or they are exaggerated. It also tells us that when you speak vanity, it is with a double heart. How then can you worship God who will not share his glory with any man? You’ll say “Yes I did this thing and God blessed me like this”. When you really know is a lie. False testimony is vanity! It does not worship or bring praise to God. Your mouth is a waste! The Bible says you are giving your heart to those things rather than God. You pass your time talking bout your wealth or achievements rather than seeing what God has done to you through those things.
·         You love the things more than the giver of those things. You have a double heart and cannot worship God in truth. If you carry your man-made god, whether it is an invented image or thing, or money, whatsoever you trust more, know that you love lies. Because they have taken the place or position of the true God in your life. Psalm 31:6 encourage us to hate those who regard lying vanities, but to trust in the Lord.
                 iv.            Those who seek God like Jacob
·         Jacob was a liar but when he realized that he could not go anyway with it, he turned back to God. He cheated his brother and took his birth right. He did the same to his father-in-law Laban in order to gain animals. From Genesis 32:22-30 we see how Jacob’s soul wrestled with God. Who can battle with the Lord? No one. But Jacob struggled with his soul before the messenger of God. He asked him to bless him, but he did not know with whom he was struggling.
·         What Jacob knew was that he was carrying a curse because of his lies and he needed blessings. The Bible tells us that he asked for blessings but he did not know the name of the person with whom he was struggling. He asked him “I beg you, tell me your name” The man did not tell him his name but he blessed him. Jacob knew that the man could bless him and reverse everything about his life, but he did not know his name.
·         Because the messenger was from God, it is considered that Jacob struggled with God. He wrestled for his blessings, because he knew he could only have it through the man whom he did not know after he had sent his family ahead of him. A similar thing happened to Manoah in judges 13:17-18 when the angel of the Lord announced to him and his wife the birth of Samson. He asked the same question and the Bible says, the angel knew it’ll be difficult for him so he asked “Why do you want to know my name?”
·         Before you pass over to a new life, as Jacob passed over to Penuel, seeing sun light upon him (Gen 32:31), you most face God and reconcile your differences with God. You must struggle in repentance (Gen 32:10), and be on the side of God before you can be victorious over your enemies.
·         Jacob cleaned his past before he was ready to worship God. He worshipped God in spirit and in truth. He could not abandon even though it was difficult for him to know the name of God’s messenger. But he did not stop struggling with him, knowing that his blessings will only come through the man he does not know. He continued with him till the day was breaking and there he received his blessings. That is the attitude of worship we need to put before our God! Cleaning our past and showing a repentant heart, then remain truthful and faithful in worship.


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