Ephesians 3:8-9
That which
Christ did for man on the cross was out of Love. It was God’s plan for man even
before the foundation of the world but many did not know about it. God revealed
this to man in the later years (Eph 3:3)
What is this plan which God revealed to man?
though man disobeyed God, it was not a surprise to God. God is all knowing and
so He knew man will fall one day. So God made a redemption plan to make our
holiness possible again because He had chosen us in Him before the foundation
of the world to be holy (Eph 1:4)
plan was hidden but revealed to man these last times. It was revealed to you
who by grace believed in God and what the blood of Christ did for you (1 Pet
Adam and Eve sinned God revealed this plan but it was manifested when the Diety
came in form of man – Christ. God said to the old-serpent “I’ll put enmity
between you and the woman , your seed and her seed” (Gen 3:15)
wanted those who believe to have life again (Jn 3:16). He did this out of love
did not love God. Man showed hatred because he disobeyed God but God still
loved man and paid for our sins.
sent His son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1Jn 4:10)
took your sins and by His stripes you are healed (Isa 53:5-6). It does not say
you were healed but that you are healed. Now! It is actual not a thing of the
past. It applies to you and me now.
8:22 says humanity groans under the pain and curse of sin. We are cursed because
of sin but because of God’s love He did not intend this to continue. God
redeemed us from the curse, by becoming a curse for us. He was hanged on a tree
for your sins and mine so that we could be saved. Today in Cameroon when someone
hangs on a tree, it is considered an abomination and a curse. The body is buried
in the bush like in most parts of the grassfields of Cameroon. This is the kind
of shame our Lord took for us (Gal 3:13 read)
is the mysteries of the unsearchable riches of Christ given to man. It is the
God’s love was manifested in the love of Christ
gave His life for His friends (Jn 15:13).We are His friends if we love and obey
Him. He was there in creation and was there before the foundation of the world.
He was present when the God head made the rescue plan for man.
love surpasses knowledge, so that we are filled by the fullness of God (Eph
3:19). We gain the attributes of God since God indwells us through the Spirit.
This can only be possible through the transformation of our minds (Ro 12:1-2).
Christ’s love is beyond knowledge.
is the only Door to salvation (Jn 10:7-9)
says you’ll have rest from your problems, from your worries, because He paid it
all on the cross of Calvary. Is your soul troubled? Is life unfair to you? Came
to Jesus and He’ll give you rest (Matt 11:29)
never leave you. Christ the prince of peace, the king of kings, the Lord of
Lords. He says He’ll never leave you or abandon you. Just come to Him and He’ll
give you peace in your soul and your mind.
What does the unsearchable riches of Christ mean to you as a believer?
revealed these mysteries of the unsearchable riches of Christ to man through
His Spirit. For the things of God, no one knows except the Spirit of God.
have received the Spirit from God, not of the world so that we might know the
things freely given to us by God (1 Cor 2:10-13).
1:27 says God has revealed this mystery to His Saints, the believers including
the Gentiles. What are the riches? “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Him we
full knowledge of the mystery of God is Christ (Col 2:2). All the treasures of
wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. In Him alone, so do not be deceived
with any persuasive words that does not have the word of Christ.
Eph 3:9 reminds us who have accepted and obeyed the
gospel to be stewards of this mystery. We are now members of the fellowship of
God’s children and His kingdom. We need to fellowship with others in the faith
and preach this gospel. A disciple is a steward
of that which he has received in order to deliver it to others.
redemption plan was hidden in God. Reason why the two apostles could not
understand that the Christ was to die and be resurrected the third day (Lk
24:21) even though the prophets had prophesied.
same prophets did not understand what they wrote (1 Pet 1:10-12). Angels sought
to understand this mystery, but it was not revealed to them, including Satan.
Eph 3:10 says principalities and powers in
heavenly places did not know about the mystery.
Though Satan knew that God had a
plan for man in Gen 3:15 when God said his head will be bruised by the seed of
the woman, he did not know the full story until Jesus was resurrected from the
dead. If he knew about the plan he would not have surely deceived the religious
leaders in Jerusalem to crucify Jesus. He thought he was winning when Jesus
Christ was going to the cross, but when it happened he knew he had lost again. When
you and I were caught up in sin, doing the things of the world, Satan knew he
was winning until the day we accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and savior. Then
Satan and his agents cried the lost while the angels in heaven rejoiced. That
is what Jesus gives to those who accept Him and obey His word.
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